Chapter 13

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I knock on Mina's door. It's a pretty normal sized house. Mina opened the door with a huge smile on her face.

"Bestie!" She yelled pulling me inside.

I kicked off my shoes as she led me to her room. It was really cute there was so much pink and purple though. I set my bag down and looked around her room a little bit. There were a lot of small Knick knacks here and there. There was also a lot of makeup on her dresser.

"My parents are gonna be out for most of the weekend so we have the place to ourselves," She said," We could basically do anything."

"Nice," I said," I really like your room."

"Oh thank you."

I smiled and laid on her bed. Oh my it was like a fluffy cloud. It was so soft.

"Hey you wanna go out and get some food," she asked and I jolted at the word food," I know a really good diner near here."

"Yeah sure," I said," But can I change first?"

I grab my clothes out of my bag and Mina points me towards the bathroom. I have to be careful that the bruises don't show. it's bad enough that they saw the bruise on my face from before. I quickly changed into my clothes and came back out.

(This is the outfit you have on)

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(This is the outfit you have on)

"Alright let's go," I say as I came back into the room.

"Oh I love your style," Mina says as we walk out the door," It's super cute."

It really was a quick walk to the diner. It was a pretty nice one too. The door chimed as we walked in. We sat in one of the corner booths and grabbed the menu's that we at the table. There were so many burgers and milkshakes. (I'm American so there won't really be any Japanese food) I chose the f/m and a regular cheeseburger.

We ordered pretty quickly and just talked. It was so easy talking to her. She talked about why she wanted to be a hero and that her parents supported her pretty well. She didn't have any siblings.

"Oh our foods here," Mina says as the plates are put on the table.

I rubbed my hands together ready to eat," It looks so good."

"It is really good," Mina says," I come here a lot."

I bit into the burger and my god was it good. I really love food. Mina giggled at my reaction and we just ate in silence. We both ate pretty quickly and payed. We walked home in content silence. When we got into her house I felt my phone buzzing in my pocket and pulled it out. It was Endeavor. I rolled my eyes and denied the phone call. He can wait.

"Hey y/n wanna make some tik toks with me," Mina says and I nod my head.

~Time skip~

Me and Mina made so many Tik toks together and it was so fun. I haven't had this much fun in a long time or ever for that matter. We laid on her bed together watching Never Have I Ever on Netflix and she painted my nails.( You guys should watch it. It's a really good show) I'm definitely a team Ben but Mina says she likes Paxton better because he's more attractive.

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