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A/N: Ackkk so sorry it took so long to update. Warning, this chapter contains a long list of Skylar's crazy ships. Hehe~ I think I'm gonna do some ships too. On every single one of my stories. Yay.

I have to Agree with the Fitz and a chandelier ship. Totally perfect.

Now I will spam.





I'm done now.

Chapter 8:

A/N: Ya'll, a chapter or 2 ago I shared my ships, but it's time for the real deal. THESE ships took days of deep thought to discover and I'm pretty sure they will prevail in the end:

Chandelitz (Fitz and a chandelier)

Kair (Keefe and The Hair)

Kallowmelt (One of my personal favorites, Keefe and Mallowmelt)

Sophockets (Sophie and POCKETS!!! This is most likely to actually occur)

Soeyes (Cause' raise your hands if you feel that 80% of each book is either a) her staring into Keefe's eyes or b) Her staring into Fitz's eyes. WHAT IS UP WITH THIS GIRL AND EYES!!!! I feel like I should give her a beanie boo and see what happens.)

Silphie (Silveny and Sophie)

See (No, I'm not saying Sophie needs to open her oblivious eyes and SEE!!! Even though that would be nice. Sophie and Calla's tree. She spends so much time under that tree that it could happen)

Lunshine, Luttercups, and Lainbows. (Linh plus sunshine, buttercups, and rainbows. Raise your hand if this seems like a good ship. Good job to those who just raised their hand, you have good taste)

Sham (Ok, I'm really proud of this ship. The Happy Shadow Thoughts SHIRT plus TAM. SHAM!!!! *Takes a bow* I know, I know. It's brilliant.)

Diana (I know you people are scratching your heads. Dex and Biana don't really fit into this list. BUT this ship isn't Dex and Biana. This ship is Biana and dresses.)

Giana (Biana and Glitter)

Doll (DEX and a cinnamon ROLL)

Dinker (Dex and Tinker. THEY ARE MEANT TO BEEEE!!!!)

Water (Wylie and water *winks*)

That is the end! Comment on ones you hate, and ones you LOVE!!! Also, I was on a fan site reading a survey and saw that, like, 34 people ship Maruca and Wylie. You know they aren't true fans. Comment what's wrong with Mylie ship. If no one guesses right I will cry. Also a special shoutout to:

Your comments made me laugh so hard my sister asked if I was ok and some of your comments were really helpful. Also thanks Idareyoutofollowme for the grammar corrections. Its good to know other people like finding grammar mistakes too. If anyone else spots one please tell us, and also if anyone else did a grammar correction I'm sorry I didn't notice. Of course, Somerandomhuman88 has been SO helpful. Now, on with the story!

Sophie answered the imparter, her mind racing as she was dragged into her bedroom. The last thing she remembered before the kidnapping was someone saying "Are you ready to burn?" then Mr. Forkle was carrying her away, and now... She gingerly touched her burns.

"Mr. Forkle, what's happening???" Mr. Forkle looked at her through the screen. "Elwin's heading over. He had to pick up some things at Slurps and Burps first. I'll be over soon." and with that he hung up.

Sophie looked to her friends. "Elwin's coming over." she said numbly.

Biana looked nervous. "That's probably for the best."

Sophie took a deep breath. "What do you mean Biana?"

Biana noiselessly handed her a mirror. Sophie gazed at herself. Her neck was green and purple, raw, and peeling. Just then Elwin burst through the door.

"Sophie!!!" His voice was choked with worry and his arms were full of vials, nearly obscuring the neon gulons covering his scrubs. He grabbed her and forced her onto her bed.

Sophie protested, "I'm fine!" but it didn't help that she winced when Elwin applied green salve to her neck.

Elwin scoffed, "Sophie, you aren't fine." He flashed a light all around her. Sophie sighed.

"In just a second," she said "You'll tell me I'm fine. Because it's just a regular burn. A couple of salves and potions and I'll be fine."

Fitz suddenly ran back into the room. "Is Elwin here yet?"

Keefe answered quietly, "Yeah."

Fitz rushed over. "Good." His dreamy, sparkling eyes raced over her. "Are you okay?" Sophie nodded wordlessly. Suddenly, Elwin jumped away from her with a yelp.

"No one goes near her!!!" he yelled.

Sophie sat up quickly, "Elwin, what's happening?" It was her turn to yelp as light raced from Elwin's hands and wrapped themselves around her wrists and ankles, tying her down to the bed.

Because she was tied to the bed, she could only see the ceiling, but she could hear her friends screaming, and someone was crying. Slowly they quieted down, and when the room was quiet except for the occasional ragged gulp or sigh Elwin spoke again.

"Hail Tam. Those burns aren't normal. They're a mixture of Everblaze and Shadowflux. Sophie's burns are poisoned!"

A/N: SORRY NOT SORRY!!! HAHAHA!! (Adira totally made me do this. Blame her! Also thanks so much for the 157 followers (Even though half of my followers speak a different language) ! But honestly, all I do is follow back. But... If you follow Adira, not only does she follow back, she is also very active on your account, she comments and votes and reads way more than I do. So follow her! Byyyyyyyyeeee!

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