My reasoning on not shipping jelsa

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Okay, so I've been meaning to do this for a long time because people really do be like why don't you like jelsa, what's your problem with this ship? Fear not my good kings and queens both of those answers will be in this chapter!

1. From different studios, DreamWorks and Disney... ummm they have no relation to one another and they won't ever have any sort of connections as far as I'm concerned. Basically, I'm saying the characters have no chance of meeting. Disney barely even has crossovers as is with their allied companies so what makes you think they're going to be doing it with their rival company? yeah, I figured.

2. To be honest, it would end up not working at the end. They have way too many differences besides the fact they have an association with ice. I don't think they would be able to work out their differences either especially if Elsa is apart of this. (Nothing against elsa of course but we all know how she can be sometimes.)

3. I really just think people like the IDEA of it, they don't really ship it. most of the time when I ask people why they ship this, they say oh because they both have a relation of ice. People, THAT IS NOT A GOOD REASON TO SHIP A SHIP. I mean yeah they do have something to do with ice, but that does not make it a good ship. 

4. Adding more onto what I said in my first reason, because the fact that they don't interact, no chemistry could ever come or sparks can fly.. so what's really the point?

So um, nothing against y'all but really come on now guys.... but you can ship whatever you want  and it's not my place to tell y'all otherwise. It doesn't matter that it's not canon that's what wattpad fan fictions are for right, lmao.

Thank you for coming to my TED Talk I have been meaning to do this for a while.

Also I like Jack Frost now and I have no problems with any of the characters in this ship it's just the ship itself wouldn't work.

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