Mineta possibly bi or gay rumors

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Okay so for those who haven't read the 321 chapter of MHA or is just an anime only watcher I'd suggest you not read this if you aren't a fan of spoilers.

So, a lot of people in this fandom are jumping to conclusions as usual and saying things such as what it says in the title. I think people are taking the "I fell for you" literally but who am I to say to be honest. He could possibly be saying that he could possibly not. I just don't like all the controversial comments about him or whatever because people stay being so quick to jump to conclusions. If I don't hear it from Horikoshi himself, then all I can do is spark theories or keep my mothetfucking mouth shut and not just say shit for the hell of it. Anyways, there's a possibility that he could be gay/bi but we don't know yet. Sorry I know this sounded shady and I may have offended someone, I just don't think it's smart to just go around Twitter and everyone else saying things that aren't necessarily true.

But what are your thoughts?

And are you guys enjoying season 5?

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