About ships

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Hello people I really don't ha a good title for this chapter but who gives a flying horses ass. Anyways I'm here to rant, about SHIPPING so calm your tits and dicks before y'all try to say sum smart in the comment section about MY book 🥰.

Ok I've seen a lot of people in EVERY fucking fandom I'm in hate on a character because they're ruining their ship. Bitch, they're fucking fictional characters, how the hell can they ruin your ship lmfao. Y'all got a lot of nerve around here, I mean yeah free country and shit, but goddamn I can stand some of y'all. THATS NOT EVEN A GOOD NOR LEGIT REASON to not like the ship. I understand if u have more reasons but when a bitch says they don't like it because of the character in the ship is a bunch of bullcrap. Atp people like that shouldn't even be paid any kind to because um, what. Anyways, if you're ship is not going to be canon anyways because the creator ships the characters that u hate or whatev, that's what wattpad and fanfiction.net is for guys come on now. Now, unless u hated the character before the ship, cool, but don't hate on a character for ruining your ship, they can't ruin ur ship ... no matter how much you think that, they can't. 

And I'm sorry for the amount of cussing and hostility in this post, but I mean some shit just gets old you know? I really don't mean any harm by this I honestly have no filter more than half of the time so yeah. But anyways, drink water, stay safe & healthy xX.

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