Chapter six

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ALICES POV (September 5, 2044, one month two weeks preg):


"Why!" I scream throwing a pillow at my alarm clock then I bolt to my bathroom and throw up. "Happy first day of senior year!" Adrian cheers with a smirk from the bathroom doorway. "Shut up." I grumble at him getting up and brushing the taste of bile out of my mouth. "Come on last year of high school, and you are going to be a mother!" Adrian cheers pushing me gently put of the way to brush his teeth. "Can you drive today?" I ask him as I walk towards the hallway rubbing my hands over my small not at all visable bump. "Yeah no problem sis." He answers with a slightly distorted voice because he is in the middle of brushing his teeth. I walk into my bed room and I pick out a black maxi skirt a white crop top and some gladiator sandals. I leave my hair in its blond waves and keep my make up simple. "Adrian lets go!" I yell down the hall, I sware that kid takes longer in the morning then anyone I know. "Alice it's your first day of your last year!" My mom cheers as I enter the kitchen where she had made breakfast. "What did you make?" I ask her sitting down at the counter and she hands me my vitamines and a glass of orage juice.

        "I made chedder and chive savory cupcakes with whipped creamcheese and I also made puff pancakes with raspberry compote." she says and she gets out some plates. "I will have a puff pancake." I say then I get up to make my lunch, I grab some celery and carrots along with some peanut butter and pretzels. "Hmm no cravings thats weird." My mom says noticing that my lunch is pretty typical. "Nope, but I really want some candy." I laugh and I set my lunch bag on my school bag, then I take my seat to eat breakfast. "Morning mom!" Adrian chimes as he comes into the kitchen, he is wearing a button up and blue jeans with a pair of converse like always. "Morning honey, now you look after your sister and I mean it." She says sternly, her and dad both seriously I'm not glass! "Mom, can't I just be home schooled I read that stress isn't good for the baby and I don't want to loose him." I complain once again that I don't want to have to face the school eventually finding out about the baby. "We will talk about that when things get really bad, just don't take things personally I got expelled when I was pregnant with Annie." my mom sighs and Adrian grabs a cupcake and his bag then we head out the door.


        "Alice don't worry, you have me, Elena, and Xavier to lean on." Adrian tells me as we pull into the school parking lot.  "Just please don't say anything about the baby, I will say something when I'm ready." I tell him and he nods then gets out of the car then grabs his bag out of the back seat, I step out with my bag that I had placed in my lap. "A.E.!" My friend Elena cheers running towards me and I brace myself for the impact of her hug I place my arms infront of my baby. "Elena!" I cheer and she jumps on me and I turn away from her so that my shoulder will take more of the impact. "Alice whats the matter you seem different?" She asks cocking her head to the side like a puppy. "Nothing just tired." I say then I wrap my arms around her, then suddenly a pair of muscular arms wrap around me and lift me from behind, hands pressing on my stomach painfully. "Xavier I am begging you please set me down right now." I  say harshley and he sets me down holding up his hands in retreat. "Jeeze someones moody." He says with a smirk, and I feel the need to punch him and kiss him, weird mix of emotions. "Yeah, I thought the same thing but she says she's tired." Elena says then she hugs Xavier, and I dart to a bathroom. "Alice!" Elena yells running after me. I make it to the bathroom in just the nick of time and toss my breakfast into the toilet. "Alice seriously whats wrong with you?" Elena asks, I stand up and walk to the sink to rinse out my mouth but that doesn't take away the taste of bile. "Do you have a mint or a piece of gum?" I ask her trying to avoid her question, she just nods and pulls a pack of gum out of her bag then she hands me a piece. "Wait are you... are you bulimic?" she asks whispering the last part of her sentence. "No." I say and I exit the bathroom and I see Xavier standing next to the door waiting. "Are you okay?" he asks and I nod pulling him into a hug and he hugs me back. "Alice Kate Evans what is wrong with you?" Elena asks in an interrogative voice and she  looks me dead in the eye. "Fine but you two cannot tell anyone else what I'm about to tell you and I'm serious I will murder you if you say anything." I tell them and they nod huddling around me and I take a deep breath. "I'm pregnant." I say quietly for only them to hear and I wait for their reactions.  "When?" Elena asks in shock, as long as she's known me she has known that I may be crazy and a party girl but I was going to wait until marriage. "Party at the end of July." I answer rubbing my a hand over my stomach absentmindedly.

        "Who?" Xavier asks sounding like he was about to kill somebody with his arms crossed infront of him and his jaw locked. "Kieth, he drugged and raped me, so now he is in prison." I say and Elena gasps in shock, I understand her shock because Kieth was always nice to me before. "That basterd will pay when he gets out." Xavier growls and I laugh at him he looks rediculous. "He has a fifteen year sentence." I sigh thinking about the fact that my baby's father will be in prison until he is almost fifteen. "Does he know?" Elena asks me and we start walking to the main office to get our scheduel and locker assignments. "Yeah I told him that I don't ask anything from him and he will not be allowed to have any contact what so ever unless I bring him a picture." I tell them quietly and we walk to the end of the line for the office. "What if it asks about him what then?" Xavier asks Shit haven't thought about that I think to myself. "I honestly don't know hopefully it will never ask about him." I sigh, Elena and Xavier both have an arm wrapped around my waist. "Don't worry we are here for you." Xavier says and he kisses the top of my head. "Oh good I found you!" I here Adrian say from behind us. "Does he know?" Elena whispers making sure that she doesn't break the news to him before I get the chance. "Yes my whole family knows." I say rolling my eyes, I appreciate the fact that she asked before just blurting it out. "So Adrian hows it feel to be an uncle?" Xavier asks with a smirk and I smack him across the chest. "I like kids, I also just want to see Annelise try to seem not jealous." Adrian laughs making the rest of us start laughing, Annie has been all jealous of me because I got pregnant. "why is Annie jealous of a baby?" E asks being oblivious like usual. "She found out that she can't get pregnant." I sigh and we move forward in the long line of kids who are missing summer already. "That sucks, I can see why she is jealous of you." Xavier says and he drapes an arm over my shoulders, I don't know why but I lean my head onto him. "Aren't you to cozy." my brother teases, I sware sometimes I should have absorbed him when I had the chance in the womb! "Shut the hell up!" we both snap in unison which makes all of us laugh.


      "Hey guys how was your day?" Our mom asks as we walk through the door of Abby Cakes for our after school shift, all of us have had to work in moms cake shop to pay for gas money. "Good I told Elena and Xavier about my little jelly bean." I say with a smile, I set my bag down behind the counter and I grab my apron, Adrian does the same. "Good, I know that they will be good friends to you during this." my mom smiles as she sets more cupcakes in the display case. "Well by the looks of it Xavier might be more than a friend." Adrian says wriggling his eyebrows at me and I slap him. "I think your dad would actually like it if you two dated because he knows Xavier and he is a nice guy." My mom says and I roll my eyes, she has always thought that me and Xavier where dating. I mean I kissed him once at a party when we were playing truth or dare and it wasn't all that weird, maybe I do like him I think to myself as I wash my hands then head into the decorating room to start on a special order cake. "Alice get started on this cake, it needs to be ready for tomorrow." My moms assistant Kaylynn tells me handing me a folder with pictures of a cake and all the other info. "Alright seems easy enough." I say and I walk over to my work station that I share with Adrian, believe it or not he is almost as good as me at decorating and baking cakes. "So what did you get?" He asks me once I set down my folder. "Sweet sixteen for some barbie doll." I laugh showing him pictures of a hot pink and zebra print cake that has sugar diamonds and way too much bling. "I have a ninja turtles cake for an awsome six year old, I should ask if I can deliver this one." He says and I automatically frown because he always gets the cool cakes, I always get the girly girl cakes that require neon colors that stain my hands!


Hey guys! Alice and Xavier sitting in a tree k-i-s-s-i-n-g! Haha! Comment, vote, tell your buddies!

Love ya!


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