Chapter 13

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Alice's POV (7 months later):

"Hi, what are you here for?" A bubbly guy with green eyes asks me as I am standing in the center of the Harvard Law courtyard. "Defense law for domestic Violence, sexual assault and rape.What about you?"I ask him fiddling with my 'Noah' necklace. "General law, like divorce and things like that. By the way my name is Zachariah Hath." he says and I notice him looking at my necklace. "Alice Evans." I say and we shake hands. "I would have guessed Noah, judging by the necklace." he smirks and we start walking towards a shady tree to escape the warm sun. "Oh, umm, Noah is my uhh son." I say stumbling over my words with a sheepish smile hoping that he won't run away. "How old is he?" Zachariah asks with an intrigued smile. "Seven months." I sigh, I finally found someone who asks me about him instead of fleeing away from me. "So the cute stage?" He asks and I just nod with a laugh, I'm probably smiling like an idiot. "So does his daddy have him?" He asks sounding sorta sad when he says 'daddy'. "Umm, no Keith raped me so he got sent to prison for 15 years. But like the rainbow at the end of the storm I got Noah." I smile at the end and then start scrolling through the pictures on my phone for a recent picture of Noah. "So that's what you are majoring in." he chimes and then he smiles at my picture of Noah. "Yep, and Keith has no rights to Noah." I say sliding my phone back into my bag. "So where is Noah?" He asks sounding genuinely interested. "My mom is visiting from California so she took him shopping." I say looking at him, studying all of his features. "I moved from Oregon, so we can be West Coast buddies!" Zachariah cheers making me smile even more. "West Coasters forever!" I cheer and I lay down in the grass stretching my back. "I bet this weather reminds you of home." he says laying back next to me looking up at the sky that you can see through gaps in the leafs. "Yeah, I miss my family though, Adrian especially." I say as if he knows who Adrian is. "Who's that?" He asks absentmindedly his eyes closed. "My twin brother." I chime thinking about the day that I found him and Xavier together. "So your both A.E.'s" he says with a laugh. "You think that's funny, I have seven other siblings. Annelise, Austin, Ashley, Angel, Alexander, Aaron, and Alexis. Oh and my parents Aiden and Abigail Evans." I list off my family and await his reaction. "Seriously? I have a sister named Julia and my parents Carter and Delilah Hath." he laughs comparing my family to his. "Are you the baby of the family or the oldest?" I ask him out of shear curiosity. "The oldest, Julia is fifteen." Zachariah informs me and I close my eyes, taking deep breaths of the hot autumn air. "I'm the baby, my oldest sibling is twelve and a half years older then me." I sigh wondering what reaction I will get. "Wow, do umm, do you want to go for lunch you, me ad Noah?" He asks and I grin up at the leaves, then roll over onto my stomach. "Yes, where do you want to go?" I ask him fiddling with some blades of grass. "How about a pic-nic? Get some fruit, some lemonade, cheese and crackers?" He asks his eyes closed. "Sure." I breath, Is this a date I think to myself. "I will meet you at 1:30 at the park on Wilson street." he says rolling onto his side to look at me. "Sounds great." I chime and look at my phone to see what time it is. "Well I have some food to get and a basket to get. So I will see you later Alice." he says with a grin getting up an dusts the grass off of his casual jeans and tee-shirt. "Bye Zachariah, see ya later." I chime, stretching before I get up. I watch as Zachariah jogs off and I stand up dusting off my shorts and blouse.
"Hello." I say answering my phone and walking across the courtyard to the parking lot to find my car. "Hi are you on your way home?" My mom asks through the phone and I hear Noah fussing in the background. "Yeah, me and Noah have a date later with this cute guy named Zachariah Hath. He is going to school for general law." I tell her and I find my black Lexus SUV, my grandparents bought it for me since I finished high school and got into Harvard despite having a baby. "Ohhhh, so do you like this boy?" My mom asks sounding like a teenaged girl, God I miss Elena I think to myself. "He is the first guy who actually wants to meet Noah and didn't make some stupid excuse about why he needs to leave right after I tell him about my baby." I explain to her connecting my phone to the blue tooth in my car. "Well you sound happy so he must be nice." my mom chimes and I hear Noah squeal, great he probably pinched his finger in his toy again I think to myself shaking my head. "I have to go see ya soon!" My mom says in a rush and I hear a click. I drive home in silence, the only thought in my mind is that I have a date, my first one since the night my life was changed about a year ago.
"Mom, I'm home!" I call as I close the door behind me and toss my keys into a bowl next to my door. "Shh, we are in here." my mom whispers from the hallway. "Is he asleep?" I ask glancing up at the clock to see how much time I have to get ready. "Yeah, I just put him down. Now let's get you ready for your date." my mom says shoving me into my room and then opening the doors to my closet. "Not a date mom and I'm almost nineteen I'm pretty sure I can get dressed by myself." I sigh rolling my eyes sitting down on my bed. "You are not a normal teenager though you are a mom, and honey we can all tell you are one." she counters and that's when I realize that I am wearing loose shorts and a maternity blouse, I'm not even going to look at my hair and make up. "Okay fine.But mom, lets keep it PG." I tell her knowing that she was about to throw me into a short sundress and espadrilles. "You are no fun." she pouts, sometimes I swear my mom is less mature then me. Ten minutes later my mom tosses me a pair of pre ruined skinny jeans and a baby doll top. "I don't remember buying these." I say furrowing my eyebrows. "I bought them for you, I also got you these." she grins tossing me a pair of espadrilles. "Mom I appreciate this but I can take care of myself." I chastise her as I start getting dressed. "I also got Noah a bunch of stuff, so while you get dressed I will go get his outfit ready." she says then hurries out of the room. Once I am dressed I walk to my full length mirror and check out myself. "Okay hair and make up time." my mom says appearing behind me and then tugging me towards the bathroom.

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