chapter 9

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ALICE'S POV (December 3, 2044 4 months preg)

"I'm here to visit Kieth Mason." I smile at the man behind the desk at the prison. "Here fill out these." He says in a dull mono-tone voice handing me a clip board with papers and a pen. I sit down and fill out the papers while absentmindedly running a hand over my four month bump. "Here ya go" I say five minutes later handing him the clip board and he scans over the papers. "Follow me." He says scanning his card and taking me into the room with the glass separators and phones. I take a seat and wait for Kieth to appear in his orange jumpsuit.

"Hey." He says with a smirk when we both pick up the phones. "Hey, so five more months!" I cheer and then stand up to flash him my bump, when I look at him he looks sad yet shocked at the same time. "Wow, that's a baby in there." He gasps once I am seated back down. "I found out what it is, do you want to know?" I ask him pulling out the ultrasound pictures pressing them to the glass. "Yeah and it really looks like a baby now not just a jelly bean." He says running a finger across the glass tracing along the baby. "It's a boy, Noah Luke Evans." I say smiling down at my bump that contains my son. "Congratulations, and I'm still sorry. But you seem happy which makes me feel a little better." He smiles and I take the pictures down and remember what else I am here to tell him.

"Annelise got everything finalized you have no rights to him, I'm sorry but because of what you did its safer for him and me." I say looking at my bump with a slight sadness that I had just taken away part of my babies life. "That's okay and I agree that's what would be best for him so no hard feelings." He says and I get up grab my things and leave without saying another word. As I leave the prison my phone rings.
Dammit Ashley what the hell do you want! "Hello?" I ask hoping she will keep it short. "Guess what!" She squeals through the phone. "What?" I sigh rolling my eyes God I hate her! "I'm pregnant!" She screeches and I hang up on her and call mom. "Hello?" She asks picking up on the first ring. "Have you talked to Ash lately?" I ask her getting into my car. "A couple days ago, why?" She asks oblivious to the fact that the most consided bitch on the planet has pro created. "She just called me, shes pregnant!" I say then pull the phone away from my ear knowing that an ear drum blasting scream is about to sound. "Another grandbaby wait until I tell your dad!" She screeches and I hang up, well now I have a head ache!

I head home and see Adrian's car in the driveway, thank God I need my twin! When I open the door I head upstairs and hear moaning coming from Adrian's room. "ADRIAN ITS TUESDAY YOU KNOW THE RULES!" I scream pounding on his door smirking as I hear stumbling around the room. "Seriously Alice?" Adrian asks peeking his head out the door. I push the door open wanting to see who he was breaking the rules with, I do not expect to see the person that is laying across my twin brothers bed. "Xavier?" I ask crossing my arms my jaw hanging slack staring at my best friends half naked body. "I was going to tell you and Elena soon." He says sheepishly,Xavier's gay, my brothers gay, and they are a couple!

"I'm going to... ummm... yeah." I stumble over my words as I back out of the room. "Alice please come back." Adrian begs and I give in I honestly want to hear what he has to say about everything. I also want to know how a person as manly and hot as Xavier could possibly be gay, and he kissed me! "Why didn't you tell me I'm your twin, I thought we were closer then this." I ask rubbing my hands over the spots where Noah is kicking me like crazy. "I didn't know how to tell you, what was I supposed to say 'hey I'm gay and your best friend is my boyfriend oh and can you please pass the pepper?'" Adrian says running a hand through his hair placing a hand on his hip. "It's okay, and I won't tell anyone until you are ready to tell everyone." I say pulling him into a hug resting my head against his chest listening to his heartbeat.
"Did you find out what you are having today?" Xavier asks getting up and wrapping and arm around Adrian. "Noah Luke Evans will be here in 5 exhausting months." I say and they both put a hand on my bump. "Uncle Austin will be happy he has a little soccer player to train." Adrian coos feeling the hard kicks that Noah it throwing at me, he is going to leave me with some bruised up in sides. "Yeah but in the mean time he will be beating me up!" I laugh, our oldest brother Austin is a pro soccer player. Ashley could have been up there with him but she decided that she would rather be a girly bitch then be a sweet tom boy.
"Well he will be greatful for you putting up with all of this when he learns about his father." Xavier says with a smile, they will all be really helpful when he is born. "I just hope that he doesn't hate me when he finds out that I made it so that his dad can't see him at all." I say leaning against the door frame.
"Don't worry he won't hate you." Xavier says reassuring me, it doesn't help with the nagging thought that my son will resent me.
"Thanks, do you guys want to go get some frozen yogurt and get my baby some things?" I ask them looking at my bump trying to think of what my son will look like. "Sure." they both shrug then follow me out the door and down the hall. "Xavier I think you are forgetting something." I laugh and he looks down realizing that he has no shirt on. " I will be right back." he blushes and runs up the stairs back to Adrian's room. "So what color are you going to paint the nursery?" Adrian asks pulling on his shoes and I slid on my boots. "I think I'm going to do yellow or something, maybe I will have mom recreate Ashley and Austin's nursery." I shrug rubbing my hands over my bump, I will never get over the fact that there is a tiny human moving and growing inside of me. "That will be cute." Adrian coos, now to think of it maybe he has always sounded gay I just didn't notice because he is my brother.

Hey guys! Sorry about another short and rushed chapter but I want to finish this book so I can focus on the next! Comment, vote, tell your buddies!
Love ya!

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