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kians pov.
kian- bold
ayla - italics

me and ayla have been dating for 8 months now and i really think i've fallen for this girl

"hey babe? i'm going to target with franny and we're filming do you need anything"
"no i'm ok, have fun love you"
"love you too"

we've gotten past the initial talk of me and franny, of course she was curious, who wouldn't be. i assured her early on that all the flirting and touching in videos was for the views and it was a mutually arranged act. her and franny became close friends quickly and i'm so glad the two of the most important girls in my life get along

*after leaving aylas apt.*

i climbed into frannys new range rover suv and gave her the usual hug and made casual small talk until we started filming.
i knew she was dating daniel and wanted to respect their relationship as i didn't know what she had told him about us and if he understood it was all fake, so i held off on the flirting, which was hard considering i would flirt with a rock if i could.

franny -italics
kian - bold

'hey guys what's up it's me franny! and today i am joined by-"

"ohhh it's a me kian"

*laughs* " so yeah i'm joined today by kian and we're going to just be vlogging our trip to target since we both needed to run errands anyways"

*time skip to target bc i'm lazy*

me and franny vlogged around target for a bit, stopping at the usual aisles and her making me uncomfortable with tampons, we just then got hungry so went to chickfila and did a mukbang on the way home while answering 'juicy' questions.
of course the most asked one was about 'frian' and our new relationships
we stated the frian was in fact not real and we are both happy in our relationships

in the middle of us driving back to my apartment franny got a call from her neighbour

neighbour - italics
franny - bold

"FRANNY, holy fuck franny where are you?!"

"woah um i'm in the car headed home, is everything alright?"

*neighbour sobs* " our hall is gone, i-it caught fire a-and everything is gone, they broke into your apartment to make sure you weren't in there but everything is burnt, i'm staying at my boyfriends and if you need a room i'm sure i can help find one but i just-"

"fuck, shit i-i'll be ok i'll stay with my friends, i'll be there soon-"

"n-no they don't want anyone here, the fires still going and the crowds too big, do you have somewhere to stay tonight?"

"shit yeah i'll figure something out, i'll talk to you soon."

i saw frannys soul get crushed before my very eyes, she worked so hard to afford everything and she loved her apartment so much and it was all gone in the matter of minutes

"what am i going to do kian?" *sobs*

"franny, fran it's ok"
i hugged her close and combed my hand through her hair, the poor girl was lost.

"fuck me, daniel's on tour, nezza's in miami, bobby's on vacation with helga. where am i supposed to stay?" she sobbed

"uh hello? you can stay with me dumbass. ayla will be fine with it and i have a spare room you can sleep in. there's no need to stress more just come home with me and we can solve the other problems in the morning."

of course i was talking about the fire and everything she owned being gone but that was a problem for tomorrow.

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