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"what's the surprise? are we going to target?" franny asked still clinging to him
"well if you want to see it you're going to have to let go of me" he chuckled, peeling her off of him.

He really didn't want to let go, he craved her touch, the feeling of her dainty fingers on his skin, her hands grasping his hair and her supple lips pressed against his. But in order for his feelings to stop developing, he needed to stop touching her and being close to her. All while living with her.

"oh, aha sorry." she felt herself blush and turned her head away from him.

He wanted to hold her close again, tell her not to be embarrassed and touch her in the most intimate ways possible and never let go.

"*ahem* so I decided since we don't know how long you'll be staying you would need some stuff to keep you going. I only got the basics so we o-or you can go and get anything else you need, why don't you have a look in the cupboard and spare room." he rambled.

Frannys pov.

Kian was being so sweet. When he hugged me I was uplifted by butterflies tickling my stomach and every part of me was screaming to cuddle into him and never let go. I push those feelings away as i refocus onto what he's saying.

"-eed, why don't you go have a look in the cupboard and spare room" he said rather quickly

"o-ok but promise me you'll tell me how much it was, i need to pay you back."

"yeahhh i'm not letting you do that" he laughed pushing me into the spare room.

I gasped loudly as i was met with a freshly made bed and new shampoo, conditioner and tampons.
My eyes filled with tears as I stroked the beautifully patterned sheets and comforters. My fingers glided over the embroidery and delicate stitching, I couldn't believe Kian had done this for me.
I felt his hand on my shoulder and i turned and jumped into his arms.

"oh thankyou thankyou thankyou!!!" I squealed.

"oh! you're welcome fran. stay as long as you need, you're very welcome."

Kians pov.

Me and Franny ordered postmates and ate while watching Tangled.

"then i'll sketch, maybe stretch, take a climb, sew a dress!" she sang

I smiled to myself and snuggled deeper into the couch.

45 mins later

My eyes were getting heavy when I felt a small weight land on my shoulder.
Franny had fallen asleep and was breathing heavily.
Her hand was on my upper thigh and my loose sweatpants began to feel tighter all of a sudden.
I felt bad waking her up so I gently lifted her up bridal style and carried her into the spare bedroom.

I tucked her in and brushed my hand against her soft cheek.
Sighing, I walked out of the room and pulled the door closed behind me.
I left a note on the kitchen counter *You fell asleep so i carried you to bed, i'm in my room if you need anything, hope you slept well, kian*
I fell asleep almost instantly, not bothering to deal with the tightness in my pants, this was a mistake.

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