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frannys pov.

i called daniel and my other close friends to tell them what happened and to check he was okay with me staying at kians apartment.

—————————— after the convo —————————
of course daniel's okay with it, he's the sweetest guy ever, besides, he'll be back from tour and visiting his family in a couple of months so i'll be fine staying with kian until then if he'll have me.

*at kians apt*

"so this is the spare room, we can go to target later to get new sheets but for now you just need to relax"

"yeah i actually could really use a nap, do you mind if i use the couch?"

"franny. i'm not going to let you nap on the couch it's not very comfy and you'll just get a bad back"

this was true, but what else was i going to suggest? the only other options were a plain mattress with no sheets or kians bed which would be weird to suggest for obvious reasons.

"i-it's ok kian hones-"

"nope. you can nap in my bed. i changed the sheets yesterday and ayla won't care, she knows you."

"if you're sure then... okay. thankyou so much kian"

"one request, no farting and i'll be laying in bed on my phone but not in a weird way i promise"

i laughed "i won't and kian for gods sake we lived together for a year i don't mind, it's your bed after all, i'm not going to banish you to the couch"

we walked into his room and he patted the bed for me
i laid down and snuggled under his duvet. mmm it smelt like him
*yawns* "okay, don't let me sleep too long, an hour at most"

"ok fran i'll wake you later, for now just focus on sleeping well"

i drifted off to sleep almost immediately, the warm presence of kian sitting next to me wasn't the worst thing that could be happening

kians pov.
i heard her breathing slow and saw her delicate eyes closed and a look of peace on her face
right. time for the plan.

i wanted to make her stay with me as comfortable as possible so i needed to get her new sheets, toiletries and snacks before she woke up.

i grabbed my car keys and closed my door gently behind me, waiting for a few seconds in case she woke up. after about 20 seconds in jogged down the hallway making a mental list of everything i needed.

*10mins later*
thankfully, target wasn't too far away and i dashed in.
i picked out a basic cotton set of sheets with matching pillowcases and a duvet cover as well as a comforter in case she got cold. each one was embroidered with dainty gold floral patterns and swirls
i got her favourite snacks:
- hot cheetos
- gushers
- chips ahoy cookies
- sour patch kids
i figured we could just go grocery shopping since we didn't know how long she would be staying

i picked her up some shampoo and conditioner that i knew she liked and some tampons just in case.

i didn't want to buy her clothes that she didn't want so i planned on just lending her some of mine to sleep in and she could pick out her own

*20 mins later*

i anxiously drove home, praying she hadn't woken up. i knew how anxious she could get and i doubt her waking up with me missing wouldn't help

i made it home and opened my door quietly
good news, she wasn't sitting in the kitchen or living room but all i had to check was the bedroom

i peeked my head round the door and to my delight, she was still asleep!
i unpacked everything quietly and set up the bed for her and put all of her snacks in the cupboards.

at this point it had been just over an hour since she fell asleep and i knew she would be mad if i didn't wake her up
i crept back onto the bed and sunk into my original spot

"franny" i whispered softly
"fran wake up"

i shook her arm but she just grunted and fell back asleep
now, i don't know what prompted me to do this but she just looked so cute
i leant down and gave her a soft kiss on the forehead.
my lips barely grazed her but my stomach was instantly filled with butterlies and i felt my face turn red.
what was happening to me.

"kian?" she mumbled
"franny hey, it's been an hour. oh o- are you ok fran?"
"i-i had a really bad dream" she sniffed and sat up
"you're apartment was on fire and i couldnt get you out and a-"
"shh it's ok" i said holding her close "it was just a dream. look i have a surprise for you"

she looked up at me with hopeful but teary eyes. my god i want to kiss this girl and make everything better.
no kian, NO no no why am i thinking like this, i have a beautiful and sweet girlfriend and she has a boyfriend who she loves

i was snapped out of my thoughts by an innocent
"what's the surprise?"

i really hope you enjoyed this chapter and how the story is going so far!
if you wouldn't mind leaving a comment or something letting me know if you are that would be great:)
happy reading!

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