Chapter 9 - Demon Queen

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At the palace in Demon Realm Yan Chiwu received word that Dong Hua had accepted his invitation and he would grace the occasion with his wife and son. Yan Chiwu was very excited to hear that and rushed to tell Ji Heng the good news.

"Ice face has accepted our invitation. He will attend our wedding with Xiao Jiu and Gungun. I can't wait to meet Xiao Jiu after such a long time. The Third Prince has also confirmed he will be there. It's going to be a great celebration, my dear queen.", Demon Lord Yan Chiwu told Ji Heng. He had loved her since they were little and had been heartbroken more than once seeing her fall for others. First, it was her guard Min Su - who turned out to be a woman. Later it was Dong Hua Dijun - former emperor of heaven and earth. Yan called Dong Hua 'Ice face', because of his characteristic stoic, unperturbed expression at all times. He could never understand how so many women liked that rock of a man.

It was only after the great battle with Miao Luo that Ji Heng had finally accepted Yan as her lover and agreed to marry him. With the other two Demon Lords killed by Miao Luo, Yan had become the supreme ruler over the entire Demon clan. He believed his incredible performance in the war, his amazing powers, and his loyalty to the greater good were what moved the heart of his beloved Ji Heng.

That belief could not have been farther from the truth. But Yan was blissfully oblivious.

"That's great! I have behaved inappropriately in the past with several people from the Sky Kingdom. I sincerely want to make amends for my behavior. Now that they have accepted our invitation, I am hopeful they are not holding a grudge and will agree to leave the past in the past. I really want to be a good wife to you and a good queen to our people.", Ji Heng said. Keeping the right appearances was important to her if she were to succeed. She needed Yan and everyone to believe she had changed into a repentant, eager-to-be-good person.

Yan gave a reassuring smile and squeezed her hand. "You are an amazing woman, Ji Heng. I am sure you will be a great wife and queen." She smiled back as he patted her shoulder and left.

But her smile vanished as soon as he was out of sight. She went to her dressing table and slowly started combing her own hair. Her special attendant rushed to her side and said, "My queen, let us serve you. We have planned a full relaxation massage and beauty treatment for you as we prepare for your wedding. My colleagues and I are waiting for you to say yes and we can start." "All right, as you wish.", Ji Heng replied with a wave of her hand.

The maids came forward and got busy. They helped her get into a reclined seat. Two of them started massaging her feet while two others started manicures. Three more started working on her face and hair. Ji  Heng's special attendant was supervising all this work.

As she was being pampered like this, Ji Heng's mind drifted to its own world. "There was a time when the almighty Dong Hua Dijun was being kind to me. He had even agreed to marry me. And now here I am, getting ready to marry the fool of that Yan Chiwu and welcoming Dong Hua to attend the ceremony! What a waste of my beauty, really. All because of that damn little Queen of QuingQui. Who the hell does she think she is, to steal Dong Hua from me? To become the empress of Tai Chen Palace? I have to do something about her. And now I hear she has a son? ! She hasn't even ascended to a High Deity yet and she dares to have a child with Dong Hua! That's simply outrageous. It is only I who deserves to be by Dong Hua's side. He needs to dote on me. Only me. Like he did for a few days in Tai Chen Palace.

HHmmm... But it's not enough to sit here and indulge in wishful thinking. I need to take charge of my life and get things moving the way I want. The way they should be. I am glad I thought of fooling Yan Chiwu into thinking that I am impressed with him. He is the supreme leader of the Demon Clan and as his queen, I have more power than I would have being single and working on my own. That idiot is someone I can definitely make use of for my benefit.

What should be my next step though? I need to plan it carefully. Bai Feng Jiu is coming here to Demon Realm for my so-called wedding and I will somehow need to make sure Dong Hua realizes his mistake in marrying her. I should at least plant a seed in his mind that he could have done so much better by marrying me instead. Yes, that would be a good start. Bai Feng Jiu, I won't give you a chance to realize what hit you before you get completely destroyed. When you made the mistake of seducing Dong Hua and marrying him, you took something that belongs to me. I will surely take back what is mine. Dong Hua is mine. Only mine. He can never be anybody else's. It's time I make you pay for your mistake. And if I can't have Dong Hua Dijun, neither can you."

Seeing their mistress quiet, the maids tried to make small talk, "My lady, you are already so beautiful. We wish to make you look stunning for your big night. Demon Lord will not be able to take his eyes off of you. He dotes on you so much already.", one of them said. "Of course he does. He has always loved Queen. And he himself is so handsome. The two of you together will make a very good-looking couple.", added another. They continued their chatter, trying to butter her up.

Ji Heng faked another smile and continued to think about her plan. It was a few hours before the maids were all done with her and left. She felt physically refreshed and mentally prepared. She was ready for the battle. She went to her workbench and got busy with carving out figurines.

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