Chapter 11 - Here come the guests

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They all walked together to the grand hall for a pre-wedding gala. Master chefs from all realms had prepared delicious food, wine, and several beverages for the pleasure of all guests. Yan Chiwu and his ministers were being gracious hosts and mingling in the crowd. Dancers, acrobats, jugglers, and jesters performed on a large stage. 

The Demon clan's rituals disallowed the bride and groom from seeing each other the night before their wedding. So Ji Heng had not made it to the party. She stayed back with her trusted maids and a few guards in her palace.

Dong Hua, Lian Song, Zhe Yan, Bai Zhen, and Gun Gun sat at a large marble table. Servers came in with tea for Dong Hua and his son and wine for the rest of them. The High Gods couldn't help but be impressed with Gun Gun and his natural curiosity at everything. They all were pleasantly surprised to see Dong Hua patiently answering his son's questions, attentively explaining everything. At the same time, they could see Dong Hua glancing lovingly at his gorgeous wife sitting at the adjacent table. They had never imagined that one day they would get to witness this side of the formidable almighty Dijun. He had become a doting husband and father.

Feng Jiu, Jie Lu, and Cheng Yu had occupied another table next to the guys. Feng Jiu and Cheng Yu were busy pointing out 'the good guys' to Jie Lu and teasing her. There was a lot of giggling and hushed voices.

Every time Feng Jiu's musical laughter filled the air, Dong Hua couldn't help but look at her with pride and love. To his chagrin, he noticed that it also attracted several other men's attention at the gala. She had mesmerized everyone, including the Demon Lord. Feng Jiu herself, however, was utterly oblivious to all the attention she was getting.

Yan Chiwu stopped by Feng Jiu's table as they were laughing and greeted them. "Xiao Jiu, it's so good to see you in good health and laughing like this.", he said, patting her shoulder. 

"Thanks, Xiao Yan. It's good to see you so happy. At last, your dream comes true. My heartfelt best wishes to you.", Xiao Jiu replied, smiling sincerely. 

Dong Hua was watching all this and felt a pang of jealousy. He was very possessive of his little fox and wanted all her smiles only for himself. He decided to focus on breathing to control his emotions.

"Mother's laughter is the best sound in the world. Isn't it, Father? She is simply the best!" Gun Gun declared proudly, noticing Dong Hua's gaze. Dong Hua gave a smiling "Hmmm" while the other guys laughed out loud. 

"Gun Gun, you love your mother more than you love your Father. And your mother loves you more than she loves your father, isn't it?" Zhe Yan looked teasingly at Dong Hua but spoke to the little boy patting his silver hair.

Dong Hua raised his eyebrows, giving a death stare to the old bird diety. Everyone else tried to stifle their laughter. But little Gun Gun was not at all fazed. "Mother and Father love each other dearly, and they love me dearly. In our family, there's room for all of us in our hearts. We don't need to compete for it. And now that I have both of them, I can't imagine one without the other. They both are my whole world.", he said, smiling, and reached out to hug Dong Hua. Dong Hua smiled at his son's very mature, diplomatic answer. He pulled Gun Gun closer in a warm hug and placed a kiss on his head. As Zhe Yan shook his head in disbelief, Dong Hua smirked, raising an eyebrow at him.

They continued chatting and having fun. It was the hour of the pig when everyone left the banquet to retire for the night. Gun Gun was already asleep. Dijun carried him in his arms to his room.

Yan Chiwu had placed special guards outside the room of his celestial guests. But just out of an abundance of caution, Dijun had appointed a couple of guards from Tai Chen palace and Zhong Lin in front of Gun Gun's room. He and Feng Jiu got Gun Gun into his room, kissed him, and went into their bed chambers.

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