Chapter 13 - Dressed up to kill

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Dong Hua and Feng Jiu got up and had tea.

"I will go to Gun Gun's room. We both will get ready there. You can have this room to yourself. I can't wait to see you all dressed up.", Dong Hua said, smiling.

Feng Jiu half-smiled, almost as if she was not sure of herself. "What if you don't like me in that dress? What if I don't look like your empress, or what if I dress up too much? Dijun, will you please be honest and tell me if I do anything not right? It's a big event, and I don't want to disappoint you in any way." she asked tentatively.

Dijun sighed and held her by her arms. "Xiao Bai, I wish you could see yourself with my eyes. No matter what you do or how you dress up, I will always find you adorable. You don't know the amount of self-control it takes me to stop myself from pulling you close, holding you in my arms, and kissing you all over. You are beautiful, precious, gorgeous. And as for looking like my empress or a queen, well, that's totally up to you. Only you get to decide how you should look. If anyone doesn't like it, it's their problem. They can deal with it themselves. I will always love you in every way you dress. You are the only one in my heart." he said sincerely.

She was listening with all her attention and started biting her lower lip as she began thinking. He slowly traced her jawline with his thumb and lifted her chin. "I love you, my wife, with or without a dress. Especially without. You are irresistible..." he teased, trying to lighten the mood.

As shyness and then desire clouded her eyes, he dipped his cold lips onto hers and kissed her thoroughly. Just like he had told her, he could no longer resist her smell, the softness of her mouth, the rise and fall of her chest as she gasped. He deepened the kiss with a groan. He felt himself getting lost in her and decided to stop. 

Slowly he moved to her ear and whispered, "Do you see what I mean about losing control with you? You do things to me that I had never imagined. You make me feel alive, Xiao Bai. You truly are divine." She turned a shade of peach-pink and lowered her eyes. He stepped back and chuckled.

"All right, all right. I will get going before we completely lose ourselves. Please stay safe at all times, my love. I will see you in a little bit.", he told her as he left the room, chuckling to himself.


Meanwhile, on the other side of the demon palace, Ji Heng was getting ready for her big night. Under the expert guidance of her main stewardess, Du Shiyi, several maids were hustling around her. They helped her take a bath in a basin full of flower petals. They washed her hair with scented water.

She had told them that her favorite scent was sandalwood, which was rare in the demon realm. But the demon officials and maids wanted to please their queen. So they procured it along with several other expensive and specialty beauty products.

"You are already beautiful. You will look stunning as a bride today, my queen. Demon Lord will not be able to take his eyes off of you. We know you want to look and feel your best today. For your dear husband.", her maid said, giggling.

Ji Heng smiled and nodded like a shy, bashful bride. She knew she had to play this part well.

Yes, she wanted to look her best.
In fact, she wanted to dress up to kill.
Dress up for Dong Hua.
Kill Feng Jiu and her son.

Ji Heng had planned her make-up, hair, dress, and accessories to resemble a Celestial Goddesses. She figured that since Dong Hua was a God, he would favor Celestial beauty in women. From what she had seen of Feng Jiu, she dressed really simply. It was a wonder that Dong Hua had paid attention to her.

"She acted all demure and naive in front of Dijun. Naturally, Dijun fell for her tricks. Although almighty and all-powerful, he is a man after all. But she cannot be a good empress for him at all. Dong Hua deserves someone like me - graceful, beautiful, and skilled. I need to help him realize his mistake and come back to his senses. My father did such a great service in Dong Hua's army. Dong Hua owes me and should spend his lifetime cherishing me. Only me. Don't worry, Dijun. Tonight, you will see what you are missing. You will come back to me and beg me to be yours. I will relish that moment very much..." Ji Heng thought to herself.

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