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After making a thorough search to look for the remaining ORION gene bearers, they discovered nothing. The next day, DAN was screening the late professor's documents and stumbled upon a clue. He found a file that was kept hidden perfectly as if it was confidential. Turns out, the contents that are inside the file are related to the remaining ORION gene bearer's locations. Dan told the rest of the crew and they all seemed amused. When Musa read the files, he assumed that during the time when the professor was mass testing people, he saw that these two were too young to be engaged into battle and that's why he ruled them out and hide their locations.

Amongst the two newly discovered ORION gene bearers, one of them has the highest affinity of the genes. Even amongst the first six. That shocked Musa and the rest because if he were to be injected with the formula, he'll be the perfect soldier. That brought fear into their hearts because, if he were to be found by someone else with the knowledge about those six, he'll be used against the six as a weapon to destroy their cruel and heartless plans. This alone forced Musa to start an immediate search for the two.

The name of the first young man was ABU-BAKR and the second was Ethan.  ABU-BAKR had the potential to be the perfect soldier due to his high affinity of the ORION genes. Because of this Musa sent DAN, ISA and some other two super soldiers to track him down and bring him in. the orders were to kill anyone precious to him so as to break him down mentally and make him easier to manipulate. Same order goes to the capturing of Ethan by Eva and John.

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