A Nasty Step-Family

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Once upon a time in the kingdom of Ninjago, There was a happy couple, Lou and Lilly, the lord and lady of Shintaro, however, their pride and joy was a little boy with black hair and brown eyes whom they named Cole.

 Cole was kind and generous, and wanted to protect people when he grew up, however, this picture perfect family was soon brought too a halt, when Cole's father died when the boy was only 4.

 Soon after, Cole discovered he could make the earth move, and a concerned Lilly decided to remarry so her son would be safe.

 When Cole was 6, Lilly married the spitefull lord vangellis, Vangellis had two kids from a previous wife, who looked upon their new step-brother with scorn. 

Soon after the marrige, Lilly fell ill and died, and Vangellis soon showed his true colors. Vangellis took over the underground mansion, and put Cole too work, treating him as a slave instead of a son. 

 Cole's nice rooms were given to his step-siblings, Lloyd and Nya, and Cole was forced to sleep in a tiny, dank, dungon like room, and was made to wear vengstone chains as to prevent his powers to show. 

 Cole hoped he could have common ground with Lloyd and Nya, as they also had elemental powers, but they were spoiled and selfish and treated him very badly. Vangellis also enslaved two small underground poor nations and forced him to work for him. 

 Cole was very kind to the Geckles and Munce And even took the blame when Vangellis was angry with them, which usually led to a beating.  

As the years passed by, Cole taught himself to fight and remained being calm and courtious, hoping he would be strong enough to help both himself and the others who were being treated unjustly.

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