Perspectives and A Scream

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The fight ensued. The two men squared off in the middle of the hallway just below the stairs, daring the other to make the next move. Louis had been caught off guard before, he was proud of his cooking, and couldn't wait to get back to Harry, but now he was more than ready.

It was Liam, who broke the peace and stepped forward throwing his right arm back and lunging forward with all his weight. Louis predicted the move and grabbed the fist pulling Liam through the punch and onto the wall.

Louis pinned Liam's arm behind him and spoke near his ear, " Harry would be pissed if he knew we were fighting." The two struggled for the upper hand. Liam threw his head back, knocking into Louis's face, and spun around gut-punching him. Louis hunched over at the impact, holding his stomach. Liam grabbed Louis by the back of his neck and kneed him twice before Louis dropped down on his hand and knees panting.

Louis gives credit where credit is due, he underestimated Liam and was going to just avoid causing any type of damage, but it was clear Liam knew a little bit about fighting. Louis looked up at Liam under his lashes, Liam stood, with a smug look painted on his face. He thought that the fight was over, Louis would back down and they would all go their separate way.

"THAT'S THE BEST YOU CAN DO" Louis coughed.

Liam laughed, " You're the one on the ground."

Louis mumbled to himself, "Not for long." He stood up with the help of his knees and squared up again. Liam charged with all his power geared toward Louis.

Louis dodged out of the way, but shoulder checked him, sending Liam falling to the wall and collapsing on the ground from the impact. Louis stalked towards the fallen Liam and delivered swift kicks to his ribs and stomach area. He straddled Liam in a standing position exchanging kicks for punches aimed at Liam's face and chest. Liam tried to deflect the hits, clawing at Louis's torso and face, but it was to no avail as the hits kept coming, growing in power and Liam growing in pain.

Liam felt euphoric when the hits stopped, but it was cut short when he felt Louis's hands around his throat, pushing and cutting off his airway.


Liam struggled to buck Louis off of him. Although Louis was smaller, he knew his weight and knew how to ground himself in place. Liams needed another plan, his life depended on it, literally. He scratched at Louis' face and clawed at his eyes, trying to break Louis' grip around his neck.

It finally worked, Louis, losing his balance on top of Liam, was shifted and the two rolled around on the floor trying to get the upper hand but ended up separating on opposite ends of the hallway. Liam remained down, trying to catch his breath, while Louis hopped up.

"You shouldn't have started this Liam. You see," Louis menacingly walked over to Liam's beaten body. "I do this for a living. I will admit you were a pleasant surprise in the fighting department." Liam rolled over onto his hands. He could hear Louis getting closer and was trying to at least be standing, but the pain was too much and he was too late. "Too bad, I'm better"

Louis kicked Liam back over onto his back. He drew his foot back and connected with Liam's stomach and ribs. He did it over and over again until he heard a crack of Liams' ribs. Satisfied, Louis straddled Liam again. He started punching Liam, putting all of his anger and pent-up emotions into every hit that connected with any part of Liam. Liam moaned and groaned, attempting to block as many hits as possible, but the pain was becoming too much. Louis's knuckles bleed, or maybe that was the blood from Liam's face, he couldn't be sure, none of that mattered. Louis was filled with rage about the hostage situation. He was seething over Liam just attacking him in his own home, and he was going to teach him a lesson.

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