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Hearth paced back and fourth in his and Blitzen's apartment anxiously.

Blitz had left a few hours ago claiming he was going to the store, it was now almost midnight and Hearthstone was beginning to panic. He had already texted Blitzen quite a few times and the fact that he hadn't already ran out to search the streets for him was a sign of his self restraint.

He whipped out his phone and sent another message: Blitzen you're worrying me where are you?

Hearth placed the electronic back in his pocket and was about to leave and look for his dwarf when he felt a buzz in his back pocket.

He scrambled to unlock his phone, Blitz had responded: Hi, sorry, I'll be home soon.

No explanation of what had taken so long or where he'd been or what he was doing for the past four and a half hours. Hearthstone wanted to demand answers from him but instead he simply texted back: Ok, good.

Hearth continued to pace the room until he saw the door being nudged open. 

As soon as Blitz entered the house the elf bombarded him with questions in such rapid signing it must have been nearly impossible for Blitzen to keep up with, but Hearth didn't care. He should have thought about that before he disappeared like that.

"Hey buddy sorry I took so long, everything's fine." Blitz tried to assure him.

You said you were going to store. What took so long? 

"It's nothing." Blitz walked into the house. "I was in Nidavellir but it's no big deal."

N-I-D-A-V-E-L-L-I-R? You didn't think to tell me before going world jumping?

"Like I said it's nothing." Blitzen passed by one of their lights his face glowing with artificial luminescence 

In that quick moment his face was illuminated, Hearthstone caught a glimpse of red of his cheek. He grabbed him and tilted Blitzen's chin up to examine him.

The dwarf's lip was bloody and there were several red gashes all along his face, Hearthstone swiped his finger along one of the cuts wiping the blood off and causing Blitzen to wince.

Hearth examined the warm red liquid now smeared on his hand and signed in sharp, angry gestures, Who did this?

"It's nothing buddy," Blitz pulled away and averted his eyes continuing in sign language. I'm fine

You have said that three times and I do not believe you. Hearthstone then repeated Who did this? His eyes blazed with fury.

"It was just some dwarves but I'm fine okay? It isn't a big deal. Just drop it Hearth."

Hearth, as it happened, did not drop it. Instead he snatched his runestones up and started out the door.

"Hearth where are you going?" Blitz asked even though he had a good idea where he was going.

The dwarfs suspicions were confirmed when Hearth stopped at the nine duck statues in the city. One of the best places to open a gate to the other eight worlds.

Blitzen grabbed the elf's arm so he would face him and said "Hearthstone please this isn't necessary, can we just go home?"

No. Will not let them get away with this.

"Come on! It's dark here in Midgard, imagine how dark it will be in Nidavellir. You need sleep."

Hearth shook his head and mimicked Blitz I'm fine. 

He walked away from Blitzen hovering his hand briefly over each metal duck until he landed on the one that went to the dwarf realm.

Hearthstone opened the doorway and jumped through Blitzen following behind him still trying to get him to go back home.

The elf stumbled slightly as they appeared in Nidavellir but righted himself quickly and turned to Blitz. Who are they? Where do I find them?

"Hearthstone I said it doesn't matter!" Blitzen snapped. He was getting frustrated with his persistence. 

Yes it does. It does matter. Hearth signed in sharp gestures.

"No it doesn't! I don't matter!" The dwarf practically shouted.

They both froze. 

Hearthstone raised his hands but they hung there in the air unable to find what to sign.

Blitzen averted his eyes and muttered things in a way Hearth couldn't read his lips.

You matter. He finally decided on.

Blitz shook his head and signed back, No, I don't I-

The elf grabbed his hands to get him to stop then pulled away to sign. You matter to me.

"You have terrible taste." 

Hearthstone pressed a finger to his lips, the international gesture for 'be quiet' or 'shh' though Blitz took it in this context to mean 'Shut up'

Blitzen Hearth signed 'B' for his name. You matter. You are bravest, strongest, kindest dwarf I have ever met. Without you I wouldn't be alive and not just because you saved me when I first ran away. You matter. Do not ever say you don't again or I might have to punch you.

Blitz smiled a bit. "Consider me warned. Y'know what? What do you say we go beat up some dwarfs?"

The corner of Hearths mouth quirked up a bit I thought you'd never ask.

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