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Blitzen sighed. He and Hearthstone were sat on the windowsill of a giants house while their friends went in there and risked their lives while he and his hysterical elf.

Hearth had expended his energy on magic and now was partially conscious and acting very... different.

Every now and then he would giggle and sign a random word as Blitz thought of all the things they could be doing instead. 

He decided after a while that he would set something up for when they would eventually have to intervene. That wasn't even a question in his mind. They would have to step in, he knew it.

He started tweaking the hidden parachute he always carried so that it would more easily carry both him and Hearthstone.

At this point the elf was acting more normal. He had stopped signing random words that is. But he was still very clearly a bit delirious. 

Blitz. Blitz. Blitz. Hearthstone edged his way towards the dwarf signing 'B' for his name repeatedly.

"Yeah?" Blitzen mumbled more focused on his project than the hand gestures.

 You smell nice. Hearth signed. 

That caught his attention. "...What?"

You smell nice. He repeated. And you have a pretty face.

"...Thank you?" Blitz was now very confused.

Hearth leaned on him so now Blitz had to twist to see what he was signing. You are the best. Know that? You are favorite person in the nine worlds. Best thing that ever happened was meeting you. You are very good dwarf. Know what else? I love you. Have for a while. Didn't say anything cause you would never like me back. Sad about it sometimes. 

"Wait...Hearth, what?"

Hearth rambled on And you are kind and smart and-

Blitz stopped him by grabbing his hand and pressing their lips together.

He had wanted to do that for so long. He just never thought Hearth liked him like that.

A part of him worried that Hearth had only said all that in his strange mindset in the moment but another part was screaming HEARTHSTONE JUST SAID THAT HE LOVED ME!!! THIS IS THE BEST DAY EVER!!!

When they pulled apart Hearth stared at Blitz in shock. Well it seemed like that knocked him out of crazy elf land. 

"Oh gods I- I'm sorry." Blitzen exclaimed seeing his expression. 

You just... Hearth trailed off his hands hanging mid air.

Blitz nodded glumly. "I'm so sorry I should have asked first to see if you were comfortable or-"

It was Hearth's turn to cut him off. This time Hearthstone was the one to kiss Blitzen. 

They stayed like that until they were interrupted by a booming voice. "Girls! I'm home!"

They made eye contact and the dwarf and elf came to a silent agreement.

They would discuss this later. Right now they had to save their friends. 

Blitzen strapped them in the parachute. He hadn't finished the adjustments but it would still work just fine.




They leapt off the side of the windowsill.

Short fluff. Not much to it. Sorry I haven't updated in a while, i couldn't think of any good ideas.

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