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Ooh a soulmate au
So original right?
I'm going to try and put my own twist on it if I can think of something so it isn't just a stereotypical soulmate au

Blitzen could sense soulmates.

It's something he had always been able to do.

He always assumed it had something to do with his mother being the goddess of love although he had never heard of another child of Freya with this gift.

He wasn't entirely sure why or how but he could just feel who someones soulmate is.

He had to be with the two, seeing the way they interacted.

Something about this gave him the ability to feel if they were meant for each other.

For example when he first met Alex Fierro he could sense that this green haired kid was the soulmate of Magnus.

But this 'gift' could too often be a curse.

Back when he lived in Nidavellir dwarves would often come and ask him who their soulmate was.

However this all to frequently backfired. 

Marriages could be ripped apart upon finding out their spouse wasn't their soulmate.

When this happened, Blitzen was blamed. 

As if being scored for studying fashion instead of craftsmanship and the drama that happened between his father before his death and Eitri Junior. He also had the reputation of 'life ruiner'

This was why he now refused to tell anyone their soulmate. Not even his own friends.

Alex frequently pestered him with questions although Blitz knew she was already in a great relationship with her soulmate.

At one point or other they all have asked him who their soulmate was knowing full well he would never answer.

All but Hearthstone.

One day Blitz asked Hearth why he had never wondered. 

Hearth confided in the dwarf that it was because even though he knew Blitz would never tell him he didn't want to be disappointed because he didn't think he could possibly actually have a soulmate.

It killed Blitzen inside to hear this because Blitz knew who Hearth's soulmate was.

He was Hearth's soulmate.

That was what really made his ability a curse.

Not only did he have a crush on his best friend. He and his best friends were soulmates and he knew it.

Blitz wanted so desperately to tell to tell the elf but he knew that would just ruin everything. 

It always did.

So he kept his secret, wishing for something he couldn't have.

Every time he was with Hearthstone -and that was pretty much all the time- he felt it. 

He felt the two were meant for each other and it destroyed him.

Just tell him! A part of himself always seemed to scream.

No! That will just ruin it! The more reasonable part always countered

So he continued on day by day fighting the silent war with himself.

Until one day he snapped.

It was just a normal conversation between the two although Blitz wasn't paying much attention.

It was difficult. The usually feeling that always tried to pull the two together was especially prominent.

Tell him! Tell him! Tell him! The reckless portion of his brain yelled like always.

This time the responsible part didn't argue.

Blitz got dragged out of his thoughts by the sound of clapping.

He focused back to his friend how had his hands raised like he had just been slapping the two together.

Oh wait. He had.


You okay? Look distracted. Hearth signed.

Tell him!

"Yeah I'm fine. Just... zoned out."

Are you sure?


"Yea..." Blitz trailed off as determination set in.

The voice in his head was louder than ever. 

He wanted to tell him. Needed to tell him. With every fiber of his being.

"Actually there's something I want to tell you."

dammit Blitzen you're actually doing it.

 Hearth frowned. Yeah?


Blitz cleared his throat. "Well...Please don't think this changes anything." He winced. He hadn't phrased that great.

What are you talking about? You're kind of freaking me out. Hearth signed hesitantly.


"Sorry. Um... well I don't really know how to say this so... I'm just gonna say it...?" Blitz took a deep breath and pushed aside the doubts still telling him to flee. "Hearthstone... You're my- er I'm your... Gah! why is this so hard? Hearth we're soulmates."

Hearth looked at Blitz like he was wondering if he read his lips wrong.

After a moment the elf raised hands. Wait... What?

"We're soulmates." It felt easier to say the second time and Blitz now felt like a weight had been lifted off his chest.

We are?

Blitz nodded "I... didn't want to tell you. I thought it would ruin our whole friendship. It doesn't... right?"

Hearth shook his head. Blitzen. He signed 'B' for his name. I like you.

Blitz blinked twice. "Like... like like?"

Like like. He agreed.

The dwarf exhaled in a mix of relief and shock. "Really?"




"Really... wow..." Blitz whispered. "Hearth... can I... I mean can we... er do you want to..."

Hearth answered the question by leaping forward and closing the distance between them by pressing his lips to the dwarfs.

Time seemed to stop.

KISS HIM BACK! Blitzen's brain yelled.

Blitzen obeyed.

When they pulled apart Hearthstone's face was bright green and he wore a look of fear.

I'm sorry He signed shakily.

"No no!" Blitz grabbed his arm so he wouldn't run off. "It's okay. Better than okay actually it's..." Words failed him.

Really? He gestured apprehensively. 

"Real-" Blitz started getting cut of by Hearth.

Let's not start that again.

Blitzen smiled. "Good idea."

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