I'm Sorry

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Wilhelm sat in his room scrolling through Simon's Instagram. Simon now had thousands of followers even though he hasn't posted anything since the leak of the sex tape. Wilhelm was actually surprised Simon even still had Instagram.

"Wilhelm? Can I speak with you?"

his mother asked before walking into his room. Wilhelm was still upset with everything his mother has done to him within the past few days.

"I believe the best thing to do in order to forget that boy is to meet new people so I want you to start hanging out with girls your age."

She said as she sat down on his bed. She started to rub his leg but he quickly moved away.

"Mom! I don't like girls! I actually don't know what I like but I know who I like! I li no I love Simon!"

Wilhelm got off his bed he no longer wanted to be near his mother.

"I know you think you love that boy but you can't be with him. To many rumors already follow you and will continue to follow you if you stay with him. I'm not saying you can't date guys but you're young you're still figuring out what you like. Why don't you just try hanging out with a few girls your age that I've picked out for you and see where it goes."

The queen began to cry. Wilhelm couldn't believe his mother was crying. After everything she's done to him she doesn't get to be upset.

"Mom I I don't I can't it's not just."

Wilhelm couldn't put words together as he felt his chest tighten up. He started to rub his chest and take deep breaths.

"Wilhelm I'm sorry calm down it'll be okay."

His mom got up to hug her son. Her face red with tears running down her cheeks.

"I want you to breath. It'll be okay I promise."

She began to hug her son but he pushed her away.

"You did nothing when August leaked the tape. I now just expect you to do nothing when it comes to me."

"Wilhelm I did do something with August. He is no longer invited to the palace and he can't be near the royal family in public. I didn't want to do anything else publicly because it would affect you. I didn't tell you because it wasn't really important. What would me telling you do?"

"I wanted to know you care. To me it seems like I'm nothing. It seems like my opinion and my feelings are irrelevant. I feel like I'm not even a person just a symbol."

He began to cry his mother tried to hug him again and this time he didn't push her away.

"I don't want you to live a life of regret. I care about your feelings. I always take your opinion into consideration. Wilhelm I love you."

Wilhelm said nothing he just continued to breathe. She sat her son down and kissed him on the forehead.

"I'm sorry about suggesting that you date someone else. I still want you to hang out with someone friends you've been so sad. Most importantly please get some sleep your guards hear you up all night. You need to sleep it'll make you feel a lot better."

She wiped her tears away and walked out of the room. Wilhelm sat there and began to sob. For the first time since the fight he felt like his mother cares for him.

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