Coming Out

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"Em Budetual"

Walter choked out. Wilhelm wanted to laugh but he didn't want to hurt Walters feelings.


Wilhelm asked. Walter was staring to shake so Simon reached out his hand to rub his shoulder.

"I'm Bisexual."

Walter spit out so quickly it was hard to understand him.

"You're bisexual?"

Simon looked at Wilhelm a little shocked.

"Um do you want to talk about it?"

"Give me a minute."

Walter said shaking his head. They sat there for 10 minutes in silence as Simon rubbed Walters back.

"Wilhelm does your mom except you now?"

Walter started to shake again as he asked this question.
"She didn't at first but now I think she sees how happy Simon makes me. I'm starting to think she likes him more than me."

Simon giggled. He liked to think about how the queen likes him now.

"It might take awhile but I'm sure your parents will too. Is there anything else you wanted to ask?"

Wilhelm said as he smiled trying to make Walter feel better.

"Do I have to come out to other people? What if everyone hates me? What if Henry hates me? How did you know you guys liked each other? How does gay sex work?"

It took Simon a few minutes to think about the answers to all of Walters questions.

"No it's your choice. Coming out is really hard. I'm proud of you for coming out to us. You can take all the time you need to come out to other people. For how we knew we liked each other I guess we just did. There were a few moments before we kissed that felt like it was right. Not everyone will like you though for being bisexual but just know me Wilhelm, Felice, And Sara will always love you. We will always be your friends."

Simon though some more before answering the rest of his questions.

"Now about gay sex you might have to figure that one out on your own because that's a little more of a personal question for you."

Wilhelm laughed.


Simon said hitting him.

"Finally I assume you're asking about Henry because you like him?"

Walter shook his head yes.

"I'm sorry but I don't know if Henry feels the same way but you never know. Sometimes you get really lucky and it works out. If you don't this time it's okay you'll eventually meet the right person for you."

Walter began to smile.

"Sorry I asked so many questions I'm just confused."

"You and me both"

Wilhelm said as he laughed. After awhile of talking they hugged and said there farewells. Simon and Wilhelm walked down the street with Malin trailing behind them.

"I kinda assumed he was gay."

"Did you now?"

Wilhelm asked as Simon shook his head.

"Malin did you always now me and Simon were dating."

"Do you think I'm stupid."

Malin laughed at his question.

"You can just call me Wilhelm. And were we really that obvious."

Malin just nodded with a smile.

They for a little bit more and when Simon and Wilhelm got home Kristina was gone and Sara and linda were asleep. They didn't stay up long because of their long day tomorrow. They fell asleep cuddling as they thought about everything that has happened and everything that will happen tomorrow.

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