𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝙽𝚒𝚗𝚎

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      The group ran inside Deenas house, making sure the door was shut and locked behind them. Bunny grabbing Deena's hand and squeezing it, running off to help Simon.

      "It doesn't make sense, it's. . . It's not possible." Sam said,  Simon and Bunny closing the curtains around the living room, "bullets didn't stop her."

Kate looked at Sam like she was dumb, "Amazing observation."

      "Who the hell was that?" Deena asked, looking at Simon, who was checking that the door was locked.

       "How the hell should I know? She. . . She was hot!" Simon told them, "I don't know! The bitch seemed normal!"

      "Yeah, well I hate to break it to you, but normal bitches don't bleed black fucking blood!" Deena said, Bunny grabbing her hand and running her thumb over her knuckles to try to calm her down.

      Simon looked at deena and continued talking about the girl, "Well, she was hot and normal until she attacked me with a fucking razor blade!"

     Bunny and Josh looked up as he said that, Josh talking, "Wait. What. . . A razor?"

      "Yeah, for like old-timey shaving or in this case, I guess, slitting her—"

     "Wrists." Simon nodded as Josh said that,"she slashed her wrists." Everybody looked at the younger boy as he asked a question,"was she singing something?"

      "Was she singing a song, like and oldie. . . Like an oldie song?" Bunny asked,

"Jesus, rain man," Simon continued "how the fuck do you know that? Wait- how- how the fuck do you know that, Bunny?"

Josh looked at Bunny, her nodding at him before he looked back at the others, "follow me."

The walked up the stairs into Josh's room, everyone else taking a seat as Bunny and Josh walked over to a wall.

Josh grabbed an paper off the wall, walking back over to the table with Bunny, where the group were kneeling at and slammed it on the table.

"This is Ruby Lane." Josh told them, pointing to the girl on the paper, "the girl who attacked you."

Simon grabbed the paper, facing it towards him, "Holy shit!"

"She sang as she murdered her boyfriend." Josh said.

      "Her friends, then she killed her self. Slashed her wrists."  Bunny finished, looking down at the picture.

Kate turned the paper to her, "Jesus. Yeah, why didn't I see this on the news?"

"Because it happened thirty years ago." Josh and Bunny say together, "1965."

       They stand up, the two walking back over to the wall. Bunny and Josh each grab a few papers, walking back over to the group to show them more of the past.

      "Ruby is one of Shadyside killers, just like skull mask." He tells them, showing Ryan's paper ,"I mean, Ryan Torres. Look."

       He showed another paper, Bunny explaining what it was," 1978, sixteen years ago, masked psycho murder kids at-"

"Camp nightwing." Kate said, cutting Bunny off "Yeah, my moms sister was there. That screwed my family up for a long time."

Josh slammed another paper near Simons hand, milkman slayer home maskers "1950, Harry Rooker, local milkman slashes a bunch of housewives."

Again he slammed another paper on the table, Bunny speaking, "1935, Humpty Dumpty Killer."

He slams another down, "1922, Billy Barker."

Bunny speaks again, finishing off, "1904, Grifter guts girls, and on and on." They all  looked at the two, "It happens in Shadyside over and over. Normal people turn into psychos."

Simon grabbed an random paper, pulling it from the pile. The picture had an man with no eyes, and what looked like blood dripping down, "Jesus. Look at this guy."

"That's the pastor." Josh spoke up after an minute of silence "Cyrus Miller, 1666. He was the first one recorded. He, um. . . Killed kids and cut out their eyes."

      Bunny watched as Sam visibly paled, stepping out of the room. Bunny also watched as Deena ran after her.

"None of this is random. It's Sarah Fier. She's turning Shadysiders into killers." Josh says as Bunny puts another newspaper on the table.

     "Do you really believe that?" Kate asks them, looking more at Bunny than Josh, "I mean, no one actually thinks that this witch shit is real."

      "Yeah, it's something babysitters make up to scare kids." Simon told them, agreeing with Kate.

      "No, no just listen to us!" Bunny told them, "1666 Sarah Fier was hanged for witchcraft, fact."

      "But ever since she was executed, she's been possessing people, turning them into killers, to take revenge on the town." Josh finished, looking at Kate and Simon.

      "It's like that nursery rhyme." Simon realized.

      "Yeah," Bunny and Josh said.

  "Before the witch's final breathe, she found a way to cheat her death." Simon said, looking at the remaining kids in the room,"By cutting off her cursed hand, she kept her grip upon our land, she reaches from beyond the grave, to make good men her wicked slaves."

"Yes, exactly, don't you see what's happening to us? This is all proof." Bunny tells them.

"Shadyside isn't just some hotbed for psychos, all these massacres are connected to Sarah Fier. The witches curse is real!" Josh continued.

"Fine, let's assume that the witch has been possessing people for some sort of messed up vendetta. This isn't the same as the mall massacre. Something different is happening to us. Something way worse." Kate looks at Josh, "Ok, we have two of her killers after us, and both of them are dead. Why is she so mad at us?"

"I saw her." Sam says from the door, causing all eyes to turn towards her and Deena.

"I'm sorry... you did what, now?" Bunny asked.

"Last night, i don't.... I don't know, you know, i thought i hit my head.... It was..." Sam looks at Deena, "It was her. I saw the witch."

"Holy shit."


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