Just a Reminder ❤️

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She finds herself lost. So I guess you wouldn't exactly say "she found herself" because she didn't. Most people in this world lose themselves more times then they can count on their fingers, some people catch on to a drug habit they can't get rid of. Some become alcoholics. Some just simply lose themselves without turning to drugs or alcohol. Some of us just search for a way out without noticing others turn to suicide and get driven to kill themselves. The world nowadays is such an ugly place. You have people who sit and act like they're your friends but they can't defend your name behind your back, instead they decide to also talk behind your back. You have boys that think it's okay to treat the girl they're supposed to love like absolute crap and when that girl finds a guy that treats them the way they deserve to be treated it becomes overwhelming because that girl has never been treated right, so she doesn't know how to act. This world is full of broken individuals that can't seem to find their way in this roller coaster called life. Guys think the only way to love a girl is to be toxic. Girls think the only way to be loved is to stay in something that makes them unhappy. Here's the thing about that everyone has their reasons to stay in something that makes them unhappy whether that's domestic violence, the need to have the attention from someone, or just genuinely don't wanna be alone in this cold world. Some of us struggle with mental health where it seems we can't ever be happy like some of us think that if we're happy for just a second it's suspicious because struggling with mental health makes being genuinely happy seem like the person you're with is gonna break your heart. Basically what that means is you're making yourself believe you aren't happy because of the constant reminder that you never have been. Everyone is someone, and everyone struggles with something, everyone deals with their own demons whether or not they decide to talk about their issues is solely up to them. I was always told to talk about my issues but some simply just can't. I was thrown to different therapists and was forced to talk about my issues when I was hospitalized so in a way I guess I was kinda forced to talk about my issues because I didn't have a choice but I also chose to face my issues head on I was put on 2 different medications, I was put on antidepressants and a sleeping pill for my insomnia and my nightmares. The point im trying to get across is not everyone has the courage to ask for help and frankly at one point I didn't either but I knew it was time to do it or I would've done something that would've hurt a lot of people and I didn't wanna put anyone through that but some just never decided it was time to ask for help and ended up leaving the world way earlier than they were supposed to but that's because they fought their issues alone because they couldn't find a way to explain what they were going through and they didn't know how to tell the people they were close to that they wanted to end it all. Believe it or not most of these people can cover it up and act all cheery and happy but they never show that their slowly giving up and losing their fight. The moral of this story is you never know what someone is going through and to always be kind to those around you. I hear you and I'm here for you.

                                                 Sincerely Yours, Alexis St. James ❤️

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