- The Bridge

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As time seems to pass by like the snapping of your fingers, Dream's behavior changes. His once happy demeanor, is now heavy hearted, and sad. Everyday weighs him down more. He tries not to show it to George though, as he doesn't want him to worry.

George ks happier than ever, and that breaks Dream. He doesn't know how much more he can handle. Everyday it just gets worse and worse. He'd began sneaking out of bed every night just to cry in the bathroom.

Dream's doorbell starts to ring, as he swiftly gets up from his rest, and heads for the front door. Sneaking out quietly, trying not to wake George. Opening it, and to his surprise, he sees a CPS worker and a officer standing in his doorway.

"Hi, Dream. I'm sure you know why we're here." She speaks, stepping inside his living room. An uneasy smile rests upon her face.

Dream shakes his head, watching as the two uninvited strangers infiltrate his house. Stepping foot unwelcomed.

"No...No I don't."

"Your parents. They haven't returned in over 9 months." She states.

"They'll come back, I know it."

The lady shakes her head sadly, giving him a frown as she sits on the brown couch in Dream's living room. Putting her hands together, and staring down the floor.

"Listen, I don't want to do this but without a legal guardian, you'll be put into foster care."

Dream shakes his head even more violently, forcing his tears not to fall. "No..No they'll return, I know it!"

"We both know that's not going to happen. Look, if they actually cared for you, they'd be here. Taking care of you and not abandoning you." She exhales, looking at the tearful sight in front of her. "They're not coming back."

The words etch through his head maliciously. "NO! They will...they...they have too..." He sniffles, wiping his tears.

"If there is no one to look after you by tomorrow, you're being put in the system. No escapes, no returns."

"NO! NO YOU CANT TAKE ME." He stomps his foot on the ground, a heap of tears falling into his hands.

"We have no other choice, i'm afraid. You unfortunately have no where to go. You'll be put into the system to try and find a better home."

"But I live just fine with my boyfriend. You...you can't take him away from me." His breath is tearfully shaky, and choky. "He needs me. Just like I need him. You can't just rip him away from me like that! Who knows where the hell i'll end up, and I may never see him again. I'm not going with you. I'm staying here." He keeps his firm tone. A sharp pain entering his stomach as it feels like a dagger is being stabbed directly into his chest. A roaring hurt that stings like a wasp. Repeating over and over again.

"Dream..." She trails off.

"Please. Just let me stay. For him. That's all I ask." He pleads, with his hands together. As his chest heaves and his throat becomes raw. He begs with all his might. Hoping and praying she'll listen.

"You have 2 days. If your parents don't show up by then, you'll be put into foster care. No more excuses."

"You have to understand. I cant leave him. I don't even care if I end up on the streets, as long as he's with me. Please, you can't take my only happiness away. Not like this."

"We're done talking. I've said what's been needed to be said, and you've heard it. No excuses. You will be put into the system in two days. There's no changing that." She stands up, walking towards the door. Stopping halfway inside and outside, before turning her head back in Dream's direction. "Have a good rest of your night, Dream. Sleep well, and i'll see you in two days." With enough said, her and the officer walks of the house. Driving away, and leaving Dream curled up on his floor.

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