16 - Return and Confusion

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TW - swearing, mention of suicide, mention of bombs, kidnapping, hospital


It took two weeks. Two whole fucking weeks for the jury to come to a verdict. That was two weeks of me pretending to be a depressed suicidal teen with an extensive knowledge about bomb making. But eventually they deemed me innocent. Well at least innocent enough to not go to jail, instead I was headed back to Puffy's School for Troubled Teens.


I jumped out of the car before it stopped. I almost tripped as I ran towards my dorm, excited to see Tubbo and Ranboo. I burst through the door into the dorm's shared kitchen. Purpled was sat at the counter, scrolling through his phone. When I entered, he looked up at me and smiled.

"Hey dude, how was court?" He asked, giving me a smug grin. I flipped him off and walked into his and Tubbo's room. To my surprise Tubbo wasn't there, so I walked into Ranboo's room and he wasn't there either. I headed back out into the kitchen.
"Where are they?" I walked over to Purpled who was once again captivated by his phone.

"Probably at the hospital," He replied, sending a wave of shock through me.
"Yeah, Tubbo got pushed off a building,"

I didn't wait for him to say anything else, I just sprinted out of my room and to the office. I begged the woman at the desk for a car ticket to the hospital but she refused, saying I couldn't leave when I'd just gotten back from court.

That's when Techno walked in. He strode into the office, holding his car keys in his hand.
"C'mon Tommy, I'll drive," He said, glaring at the woman who gave him a glare in return. I thanked Techno and followed him outside. Techno was the only student in the whole school that was allowed his own car, partly because he was a teacher's son, partly because he terrified everyone and partly because he built it up from scratch.

It was a blood red sports car with two large pig's tusks above the headlights. The number plate was the same soft pink colour as his hair and it read 'BLADE'
"Cool," I breathed as I slid into the black leather passenger seat. Techno gave me a grin before starting the car and speeding out of the school gates towards the hospital.

We arrived half an hour earlier than I would have if I'd taken a school car. Let's just say that Techno seemed to be challenged by the speed limit, he drove as if the speed limit was the minimum speed that he could drive.

Whilst we drove, Techno explained what happened, how Schlatt had pushed Quackity and Tubbo off of the school's roof and how Ranboo had then tried to kill Schlatt but ended up going mute. Then he'd explained that Tubbo and a few of Quackity's friends were helping Quackity hide from Schlatt. Holy shit I'd missed a lot.

The second the car pulled to a stop, I jumped out, determined to find Tubbo. I ran towards the entrance, Techno strolling calmly behind me. I rolled my eyes, of course running is beneath the great Technoblade.

The man at the front desk gave me a smile as I entered, I tried to return it but failed miserably because I was too busy worrying about Tubbo.
"I'm here to see Toby Smith," I said confidently, rocking back and forth on my toes. The guy nodded and took his sweet fucking time to find Tubbo's room number.

Soon enough I was on my way up, Techno beside me. As we drew closer, I got more nervous, I really hoped Tubbo was okay, and Ranboo too. The last two weeks without them had been hell, I'd had no one to talk to and no friendly faces whatsoever.

We reached the room and I burst through the door, a wide smile spreading across my face as I caught sight of Tubbo lying in the hospital bed. Apart from a few cuts and bruises and a bandage on his left arm, he looked completely fine.
"Tommy!" He cried, turning to face me and openeing his arms for a hug which I gladly accepted.

The hug lasted for a few seconds and I hate to admit it but I might have teared up at the euphoria of reuniting with my best friend. After we pulled apart I turned to Ranboo who was sitting in the visitors chair. I'd already been told from Techno that he'd gone completely mute so I didn't try and pressure him to talk, I just tackled him in a big hug and told him that I'd missed him.


For the next few ours we just hung out, happy to be in each other's presence. Sometimes we'd sit in a comfortable silence and other times Tubbo and I would talk excitedly about anything and everything good in our lives. After a while, Ranboo joined our conversation, using a pen and paper to communicate. All in all, it was going very well.

Then Techno walked into the room, holding a phone in his hand, my phone.
"Tommy, you dropped this in my car. It's been ringing non-stop," He passed it to me and said a quick hello to Tubbo and Ranboo. I looked down at my phone which was vibrating in my hand. The top of the screen displayed the words 'Unknown Number'

"What the fuck?" I muttered as I picked up the call, Tubbo, Ranboo and Techno were all watching me worriedly.

"TommyInnit," A voice on the other end said. It was a voice I immediately recognised.
"Wilbur?" Why was Wilbur calling me and why had it said 'Unknown Number'? I already had Will's number in my phone. "Wilbur are you okay?" I suddenly got a panicky feeling in my gut, something was off.

"Tommy are you alone?" Wilbur asked, his voice sounding strangely like he was reading off a piece of paper.
"Yes," I lied immediately, putting the phone on speaker and signalling for the other three to stay silent.

Then another voice came through the phone. I voice I'd grown to hate and fear slightly. The voice of JSchlatt.

"Tommy, I have your brother and I have your discs. And you have Tubbo, Ranboo and my boyfriend hidden somewhere. Are you willing to trade Tommy?"

I looked up at Tubbo and Ranboo. They looked almost as terrified as I felt.

Well shit.

So much for a happy reunion.

What were we going to do?

We were completely and utterly fucked.

Word count - 1093

A/N -

Have an amazing day/night!
You are all awesome and valid <3!

Thanks for reading!

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