19 - Childhood and Fear

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TW - swearing, kidnapping, betrayal, guns


"Better luck next time Theseus," Techno's words rang in my head. I had completely blacked out after the group of Schlatt's cronies had caved in. Now all I could see was darkness and all I could hear was Techno's voice. My mind filled with memories.

(Tommy is 7, Wilbur is 8 and Techno is 13)

"I hate school!" I wailed dramatically as I followed my older brothers into the house. Will rolled his eyes,
"Get over it," He said, I stuck my tongue out at him, folding my arms across my chest.
"Make me Wilby" I retorted, making Techno snort with laughter. Wilbur looked like he was about to punch me when our Mum walked into the room, her hands covered in flour.

"Mumza!" I yelled, rushing to hug her, not caring that I would be covered in flour.
"Hey boys, how was school," She asked, giving Will and Techno hugs.
"You still sound funny," I pointed out, going to stand next to Techno was was fixing his short pink hair in the hallway mirror.
"It's cause she's American, idiot," Wilbur said, making his way upstairs. Mumza gave him a look of disapproval at the insult but nodded all the same.

"I hate Americans," I muttered, "Not you though Mumza," I quickly added, giving her a big smile. She ruffled my blonde hair, laughing softly.
"Okay, go on upstairs, Tommy, why don't you help Techno get ready for his date?" She gently directed us towards the stairs. Techno turned bright red and hid his face in the sleeves of his red coat.

"It's not a date," He muttered, making me laugh loudly.
"Sure, now let's make you look good, come on bitch!" I screeched, pulling Techno up the stairs and ignoring Mumza as she shouted,
"Language Tommy!"


"Perfect," I stepped backwards with a satisfied smile, admiring Techno's outfit. He was wearing ripped black jeans, shiny black platform boots with gold detailing, a white collared shirt and a blood red leather jacket with a white fluffy trim that hat black spots throughout it.

Like this cape but leather jacket edition

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Like this cape but leather jacket edition.


He was also wearing a few rings on each hand and after much arguing Techno let my style his hair. I'd brushed it out and then made it purposely messy. In my opinion it looked great.

We both sat down on Techno's bed and immediately his knee started shaking. I gave his hand a reassuring squeeze.
"Hey, it's okay bro. Who's your date anyway? Which lucky guy, gal or non-binary pal has caught my big brother's eye?" I asked, swinging my legs back and forth.

I looked up after a moment of silence to see Techno staring at me, his face shocked.
"What?" I asked, confused. Techno gave me a big smile,
"Nothing, it's just, you didn't assume that they're a girl," He pointed out, looking a lot less relaxed.
"Well then I would've looked like a fool,"
"True... he's a guy, by the way,"
"Cool! Does he play Minecraft?"

Techno and I talked happily for a while, I learned about the guy he was going out with, he was Techno's first guy crush and apparently he was funny. I also found out that Techno was bi and had been for a while.
(I know he's not bi irl but I thought this would be a cute moment. Don't come after me pls :) Also I know that he doesn't like being shipped with other content creators but Teddy (his crush) is completely made up. If he's uncomfortable with it, I'll remove it)

Then I told Techno about school and how we were covering Greek mythology and how I'd gotten in trouble for yelling,
'Hades can suck a dick, Technoblade never dies' when the teachers said that eventually everyone went to the underworld. That just made Techno laugh.

By the end of my rant, Techno had nicknamed me 'Theseus' after the mythical king and founder-hero of Athens. I thought it was pretty cool. Techno even pulled out one of his many gold crowns and placed it on top of my blond hair, it was of course too big for me and fell down over my eyes.

Soon enough the doorbell rang and Techno suddenly stiffened up as I leapt to my feet.
"He's here!" We both said at the same time. I practically fell down the stairs in my hurry to get to the door. As I passed Wilbur's room I heard the quiet strumming of his guitar stop. I reached the bottom of the stairs just as Wilbur emerged from his room, clearly curious.

I pulled the door open to reveal a tall boy with dark hair and bright, kind eyes. I gave him a big smile,
"HELLO!" He seemed taken aback by my loud greeting but he returned my smile all the same.
"Hi, I'm Teddy, you must be Tommy? Tec talks about you all the time," He held out his hand for me to shake. He seemed really nice.

I invited Teddy inside, taking in his casual cuffed black jeans and his pale, pink button up shirt. We stood in the hallway and I tried my best to make a good impression.

Then Techno came down the stairs. Teddy's jaw dropped.
"Wow...Tec...you look good," He smiled sheepishly and Techno blushed furiously. I took that as my cue to leave. I walked towards the stairs but stopped to give Techno a good luck hug.
"Good luck!" I whispered very loudly, making Teddy laugh. Techno ruffled my hair affectionately.
"See you later Theseus,"


I really fucking missed those days. When Techno and I could trust each other, when I had someone to look up to. I used to practically glow with pride whenever he called me Theseus. Now it made me want to start stabbing shit. Every time he used that nickname it was like he was adding another knife into my back.

Sometimes I just felt like my back was constantly being stabbed, it was just a painting of betrayal and hurt and lies.


The second I realised that Techno had betrayed me again I vowed never to trust him ever ever ever again in my entire life.

And as my eyes slowly opened to reveal a dark room I realised that now all that mattered was saving Will and my discs and keeping my friends alive.

Because this room looked like a death trap.

I sat in the middle of the room, tied to a chair. Wilbur, Tubbo, Ranboo, Quackity, George, Dream and Karl were all tied up in a line in front of me. And each of them had one of Schlatt's cronies holding a gun to their heads.

We were fucked.

Word count - 1107

A/N -

Sorry I didn't put out a chapter yesterday, it was my cousin's wedding. I'm back to my normal schedule now.

Also IMPORTANT NOTE - Techno is 23 in the present of this story. And I know he shouldn't be at school anymore but he is still at the school because Philza (his dad) is keeping him there so he doesn't go to prison. And so everyone at the school except Puffy, Philza, Tommy and Wilbur thinks that Techno is 18.
Just wanted to clear that up lol.

Have an amazing day/night!
You are all awesome and valid <3!

Thanks for reading!

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