chapter 16- from noah

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To Mrs. Ariana Johnson ;)

I hope that intro surprised you. Let's just forget everything that happened in the past, okay? So I will start all over, too.

I am Noah Johnson. Sorry, you got your name wrong, your name is Ariana Johnson. :D

Anyway, I honestly can't wait till the date. I realize we have one month left until graduation. Then we are going off to college. Wow.

Anyway, to answer your question: okay, where do I start?

I am not adopted. My mom and dad are very well alive. But, don't start by saying "your lucky" and all that shit, because I'm not.

My mom and dad fight. A lot. That helps me be a player, because I don't like it when they are fighting. It started when I was in ninth grade, they would fight over money. Then when I hit tenth, mom was tired of the way dad was treating her. By eleventh, I was sick and tired of it, so mom decided to plan a divorce. They are still "debating" on who gets to keep me. That's why I go to girl's houses. Most of their houses are peaceful.

So that's my answer.

Question: What college are you going to next year?

P.S- You earned my trust. :*

Noah Johnson & Ariana Johnson

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