Chapter 2

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"Yes it is i dom toretto, i heard you have a new family. you must register in the family of all families" he said handing me a paper. ugh stupid rules and papers and legalities and shit.

we each signed the paper, dom nodded and turned to leave. then he looked back once and shyly cutely said "can i join ur family uwu🥺" he tucked an invsible piece of hair behind his ear.

"NO" we all screamed in unison, forcing fom to flee like a little kitten crying sobbibg lobbering all the way. as one direction anf i boarded the car we faintly heard his male deep voice singing Fight Song.

i could relate, ive done it once or twice .

(a/n) im eating wAffles rn 🤪🤪🤪🤪

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we drove to one d mansion it was fucking hunubjous. it was so lavish lovely swirly twirly extravagebt lovely divine it made me wsnt to cry. when i got down on the ground i curled up and cried my heart out at its sheer beauty.


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just then the magical feeling ended. harry rkpped me up from the ground and started to drag me inside. i thot itwas bad that i did somethj g. then i noticed the sky get real dark real fast. clouds covered the whole sky and the air around me felt electrified. just then i heard a manic howl to my left right leftity. the boys all rushed inside and i stum led to the tile as louis locked the door behind us.

"WHATTHEFUCKWASTHAFBITCH" i jarbled groggled scream screeched peachedout.

"a wereworlf obviously"

i shivered trembled shivered my tiny petite delicate snowplae white shoulders and shook real hard. "w-w-w-w-w-w-hy is there a werewolf outsixe ur mansion"

harry sighed "his name is blueback furwolf. hes been here for ages and wont leave us alone bc we cursed him.
"w-w-w-w-w-whag do u mean cursed him?"

naill sighed. "before he was known as redneck furwolf, he was actually Ed Sheeran"


"yeah he would eather be called blueback but everyobe kbows hes a redneck-" zayn started saying but was cut off by a low deep sulky sultry deep growl howl.

liam whi had been silent the whole time spoke uo "bitchmale is getting in."

not againnnnnn uzi" harry stylyish said

i looked back and forth and water tears syreamed poured rained down my perfect rosy cheeks.

suddenly a largw male wolf jumped thru a window and shattered the glass. dark light streamed in and his beady red eyes glowed like a bloody vampires even tho he was a werewolf.

"you have cursed me and i have not got my revenge. NOW I WILL" the wolf growled but inly i understood the boys didnt bc i speak wolf since im not like other people.

"no wait I LOVE THWM U CANT HURT THEM" i said and steped between the boys and the wolf and held my arms out while communicating with redneck. "i know who you really are Ed and i know youre a good person who doesnt want to hurt then. look at me, look me in the eye" i said and grabbed his cute muzzle as he calmed diwn. "look its me ok i got yiu u dont have to worry it will all be ok just look in my eyes and calm dkwn ok i love you." i said.

suddenly a loveing sound came from redneck furwolf and he transformed !🥺😃👏😱 a naked redhead boy lay on the ground with scraggly daggly red hair and black thicki nicki glasses. he looked up at me and said "thank u for lifting the curse." he then ran away into the night happy face flying everywhere shown bare tk everyone.

the boys patted me on the back and clapped.

"well dine amberley"

(a/n) is that her name? i forgot. also i just realized i switch to first pov instead of sticking with third Oosp.

sexy vampire werewolf magic style manWhere stories live. Discover now