6 Month Anniversary + Dark Past Revealed

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Time had flew by and Keigo and CJ were just as lovestruck as ever. The lovebirds did everything together, and told each other anything. It was now their 6 month anniversary. Keigo had something special planned because he loved going all out and surprising her. He was a bit nervous, but wouldn't admit it. He had hinted to CJ to dress up a little, and gave her some idea of the plan.

"Songbird, are you ready?" he stood across from her bedroom door leaning up against the wall. The door swung open and she took his breath away. She wore a royal blue minidress with spaghetti straps. It hugged her curves and figure so well. He felt his face heating up and covered it with one hand.

"Whatcha think?" she spun around letting her freshly curled hair bounce around. She giggled and turned a little pink herself when she saw his reaction. He was wearing a royal blue button up shirt and black blazer to match her. Keigo always went above and beyond with his choice of apparel.

"Hot dammit, you're so gorgeous." Keigo pecked her cheek. They both finished getting ready and flew to the restaurant. They got their own private table away from anyone, and felt very secluded. They sat and Keigo felt the box in his hand. He grasped it and placed it on the table in front of CJ. She quickly covered her mouth, "CJ,.. I can't propose just yet. I want to so badly, but.. it wouldn't be fair for you with my job. You know there's been a spike in crime lately. I promise that I'll continue to be faithful, love you, and keep you safe. I also promise that we will marry. You're the only woman I see in my future. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, songbird. Maybe someday even start a family."

She was so emotional during his confession. She felt exactly the same. She wiped her eyes a minute and started giggling.

"I want to marry you too, Keigo! I feel the exact same way." he leaned over the table and kissed her so passionately.

"I don't know why I felt so nervous telling you all that.. I talk to you about everything." he wiped another tear that rolled down her cheek.

"Did you mean what you said about starting a family someday?" their eyes locked together. Keigo's golden brown and CJ's blue.

"I wouldn't have said it if I didn't mean it. I just think in a couple of years some little chicks might be nice to have around. I mean,.. we don't have to if you don't want-" he rubbed his neck nervously, but her warm smile calmed him some.

"You would be a fantastic dad." she laughed some easing Keigo up. They had finished up dinner and flew back to Keigo's house. He couldn't stop thinking about proposing after his confession. He knew he needed to wait, but didn't want to. He figured maybe save the big question for their 1 year anniversary.

CJ on the other hand, couldn't believe that they went from strangers who bumped into each other to inseparable lovers. Life really was something out of a fairy-tale for her. She loved Keigo with all of her heart. The next day had passed and Keigo brought CJ her favorite breakfast in bed. He sat down around her knees with the tray in hand.

"Rise and shine, songbird." she groaned and rolled over a little. He saw the small splotches of blood around her thighs and on the sheets. He sat the tray on her nightstand as she was trying to groggily wake up. He went into her bathroom and started up the shower.

"Good morning, birdie. Did you make me breakfast?" she ran her fingers through his hair and kissed his cheek.

"Mhm. You just started your monthly, so I started up the shower for you. I'll change the sheets while your showering. You can wear my hoodie." she looked down and her eyes got big and her cheeks red.

"No, no, nooo... Keigo, I'll deal with this." he shook his head and smiled, "This is so embarrassing.." she murmured. She felt it getting harder to breathe and knew she was going to have a anxiety attack. He sensed something was wrong and rubbed her back.

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