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We pull up to the party. Rachel: Yall ready? Zoria: Yep tear this shit up bitches. Shadave: Wait. Where's Leilani? Lansie: She's at Dave and busters with Special K. They get out the car. Juju: You know I'm kicking Gary's ass right. Rachel: Honey. We all are. Juju: But half of you don't like Alonso. Rachel: So. Juju: You know what I don't understand is why you didn't call me Rachel. Rachel: He didn't want me to. Juju: It doesn't matter. I'm his girlfriend. I'm supposed to be holding his hand during surgery not you slut. Rachel: Oh I'm slut. At least I'm not a bitch. The rest of the squad had this face on: 😱. Shadave stands in between them and calmly says: Guys stop. Juju jumps over shadave and hits Rachel. Juju hitting Rachel in the eye. Rachel climbs over shadave and punches juju in the nose. They starts fighting and then the squad breaks it up. Rachel says with a sad face:I can't believe you called me a slut. Rachel walks away going inside the house.(Rachel has a black eye and juju has a bruised nose.) They walk into the party and go into the back room. Rachel kicks the door open. They see all the guys smoking weed together except for Kalin, Liam, and Harry Cuz they has that singing voice. But harry and Liam are drunk. Rachel: What the fuck? Zoria: Harry you better not be drunk or high. Lansie: You too Liam. Liam walks over to Lansie. He doesn't have any balance meaning that he's drunk. Liam: Lanise you know I love.....Liam passed out. Juju walks up to Gary and lifts him up by his shirt and puts him on the wall. Juju punches the shit out of Gary. Gary is nose is bleeding. Juju: Why would do? Gary: Why would I do what? He's playing around with her and laughing. Juju: You know what. Try and kill my boyfriend. Gary: Yea. I tried to kill him. Juju: Why? Gary: Cuz I'm still in love with you Julianna. Juju's look on her face: 😱. Gary: And another reason. Alonso's dad killed my uncle. Juju: Ok but that's family beef. Because Alonso's dad killed your uncle that gives you a right to kill Alonso. You're a fucking loser for that shit. She drops him by letting go of his shirt. They all walk out. Juju: And Gary I would never go out with if you would have killed Alonso. And I don't date losers. Bye. The girls squad out the house with their boyfriends. Zoria drops everyone home. She drops Rachel off with Kalin at Rachel's house. Kalin: Babe your black eye is getting bad. He goes to the kitchen and gets ice. He puts the ice on her eye and some other medicine. They are talking when they hear a knock on the door. Rachel gets it. She's sees Juju standing in the rain soak an wet. Rachel: Juju come in. Juju: hey look. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to call you a slut. I know you would never try to move in on my boyfriend. I guess I was just jealous that you got to be there and I didn't. So I'm sorry. Rachel: It's ok but, I'm sorry too. your not a bitch. Juju: Oh no I am a bitch. Rachel: I'm sorry. I should have called you. You had every right to be there. Juju: But I'm glad you called me eventually. Rachel: Hug. Juju opens her arms and hugs Rachel. Rachel: Oh my god your wet. Go up stairs and puts some dry clothes on. You can stay over. Juju goes up stairs. Kalin: Girls make up so happy and love Dovey. Rachel: Speaking up make up easy. You and Gary were friends easy again. Kalin: No. I didn't talk to Gary at all I'm still mad at him. I was just the guys ride back from the party. Then the door bell rings. Rachel answers it. Rachel answers the door and sees Lucas. Lucas: Hi Rachel is Leilani here. Rachel: No but I can get her for you.

{Lucas is Leilani's ex crush. She's liked him since summer camp from when she was younger. Find out if Leilani will stay with Special K. Or give Lucas a try. And find out what happens to Gary does he go to jail. Or Nah?}

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