Your Ok

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Tony's pov.

I have known percy for for two days he was a good kid and new how to make people laugh he seemed like a trouble maker but seemed to care more about others then himself

Me and Bruce raced down to the lab the others suited up
"Ok JARVIS what do you have?"
I said me and Bruce slid in front of the glass screen and holograms
"Twenty hours ago Perseus jackson went missing I have done a facial scan on the cameras along the city and found him" a picture showed up the screen played along perfectly percy was walking when a van pulled up

A man jumped from the ally and shot percy the driver jumped out and they dragged him to the van and sped of

Bruce breathed heavily his eyes flashed green "trace the van these idiots have no clue what there really doing" he growled

I put on my suit and me and Bruce walked to the roof

"You stay here in case ....we need a doctor" I said and took of "JARVIS give me the location an send it to the team tell them ill meet them there"

I landed in front of..a warehouse? these guys are keeping it dramatic
I sighed and waited ,the team arrived in a van Thor flew in and landed
Steve started forward but I pushed him away

"Sorry cap my worker my rules" I didn't stop to argue I walked inside and turned on my repulser blaster

The place was trashed it had turned over chairs and tables ,I whispered to JARVIS "j you see any thing?"
"There is a cell door under the rug to your right" he said I turned and pulled it of the team was behind me there weapons drawn

I pulled up the door an walked down the stares and stopped when I heard voices I waved the team to stop and we listened

"What do you know?" there was a shuffle "tell us what you know about them" "no" 'percy'

There was a scream it took a second for me to register it was Percy's and I bounded down the steps a man turned and saw me

I shot him

He flew into the wall "tony!" Steve yelled at me the second man I recognized as the driver lunged at me I punched him in the stomach and hit the back of his head and he was out cold "is that all?" I smirked

"Oh my god" Clint said I turned to see percy he was strapped to a chair

He had a cut running from his shoulder to his left hip small cuts covered hi body his face was bruised so was his torso
Blood ran down his nose and covered his chest

Natasha was the only one to move she tore his restraints of we were still staring

"Percy hay, it's Natasha" she said and patted his face his eyes fluttered open


I flipped my helmet up and knelt in front of him "hey kid it's ok your going to be fine" I said frantically

"Tony am late for w-work?" he joked and smiled shakily

Thor stepped forward and grabbed under his arms I got behind them Thor helped him up slowly

"Perseus you still owe me that spar" Thor said gently percy nodded and flinched with each step Steve got on his other side and Thor and Steve helped him out

"I wanna go home" he said I nodded
Natasha walked behind him "you can go home when we get you fixed" she said percy stumbled and Steve put a hand on his chest right on his cut percy coughed blood "sorry" he said

"I w....want a..annabeth" he said

My eyes watered 'this kids killing me'

"Your ok percy were going to help you" I said we went to the van and lay percy down Natasha propped his head up in her lap Steve spoke from the front "I called Bruce ,he's waiting" Thor flew and me and Clint sat next to each other behind Natasha and percy Steve drove to the tower

Percy was coughing I took of my suit an handed Natasha a rag "put presser on it" I said she did

"Ugghhhhh" percy wined his breathing quickened and his eyes watered Natasha wiped blood away from his face "hay it's ok calm down and breath ,were here"

"Home" he said

I leaned over the seat and grabbed his hand his breath slowed down and his eyes closed "percy? hay bud ,come on"


"Your Ok"

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