Wake Up

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(The next chapter after this is going to have some action , I'm really working hard on this so give me some time )

Thor's pov.

I sat there for a few hours before I fell asleep at the boys side I was thinking before I fell asleep

I think I am protective over him because he reminded me of.....loki
He is a fun boy and cares about others he and Loki are different but I think I want to protect the young demigod like I could not protect my brother ,I want to help him.

I woke up to some one shaking my shoulder I was holding Percy's hand and had my head laying on the bed to his side

I looked up and saw the director
"Oh it is you director" I said and sat up he nodded "move aside Thor" he said firmly I frowned I stood next to percy ,had not moved

Three agents stood behind the director fury I frowned

"What is this?" I said coldly fury looked at percy I glared at him at stepped in front of his bed

"What.is.this" I growled two agents pulled out there guns

"This" he gestured to the agents "is me taking Perseus Jackson into custody

I picked up my weapon and pointed it at him "hear me director if you want him you must go through me" I growled he glared

"Thor stand down or" I cut him of "or what? you will kill me? I would like to see your petty agents try to take him" I said

He looked at me oddly "you really want to go through all this trouble for the boy? stand down Thor your on are side" he said and tried to pass me

I raised my hammer And pointed it to his chest his eyes widened when he looked at me

I glared at him sparks flew of my armor I gave him a dark look he ,stepped back

Suddenly the agents lunged at me one pulls out a knife I grabbed his hand and threw him into the other agent the third one pointed there gun at me and I threw my hammer and he was out cold I turned to director fury and picked him up by the scruff of his shirt

"If you know what is well for you ,you will leave the boy alone and maybe just maybe I will not hurt you" I growled

"Thor!" I heard from behind me I turned and saw doctor banner he stepped over the agents and looked at us

"What's going on?" he asked I turned to the door and pushed the director to it he stumbled backwards

"The director was just leaving" I said simply he glared at me Bruce frowned and looked at fury "sir?" he asked

Fury looked at Bruce "the boy needs to come with me" he said firmly Bruce nodded and fury looked smug

"Ah ,no" Bruce said simply furys look dropped "what?" Bruce sighed and adjusted his glasses "percy is not a mutant he is not a lab rat he is not your pet there is no way you are taking him anywhere not if the other guy has a say in it" he said calmly

I smiled at Bruce and he gave me a small smile back I looked at fury
"You better leave" I said he turned and stalked of the agents trailed behind him quietly

"Thank you doctor banner" I said he nodded and smiled "nice bed head" he said I reached up and sure enough my hair was a mess I sighed

"Percy has not awoken" I said Bruce frowned he checked a few Midgard machines and frantically wrote something "banner is there a problem?" I asked I glanced at percy he looked.... better

"This is.... amazing" he gasped I stood behind him

"What is it? is something wrong with him?" I asked quickly

Bruce laughed "no! that's just it! he's fine he's healing to fast for any normal person!" he said looking at percy

"But any normal human should be dead" he said he stopped and stared at percy

"We should ask him a few questions when he gets better" I heard him mutter 'no you should not'

I stepped next to percy "perhaps you should wait to tell the others of his....condition ,I fear what stark will want to do or know" I said

Bruce shrugged and percy gasped in pain I looked down at him worriedly banner walked over and gave him a shot "it should num the pain he is healing but it still hurts him"

"When will he wake up?"
Bruce looked down "when he's ready"
I walked over to his bed And grabbed Percy's hand Bruce looked surprised "he has not moved is he ok"

"He's fine he needs rest he's going to be out for a while" Bruce said he walked out the door still thinking about percy

I looked down ,percy was asleep if I had imagined it I would say he looked normal, almost

"I will not tell my friend" I promised

"Just wake up"

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