19- Showers Aren't Fun

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Third POV

Todoroki carried Izuku into his room and sat on the bed. The half-n-half boy just sat their running his fingers through the greenettes hair. He cared so much for Izuku and had wanted to hold him just like this for so long. Shoto knew he had to ask Izuku about earlier. So he took a deep breath and began. "Hey you wanna tell me what happened earlier?" Todoroki asked softly. Izuku hummed in response. "He was mad." The green haired boy said softly. "Who? And why?" Heterocromic boy asked.

"Mhmmmm." Izuku grumbled. "He was upset." "Ok but why?" Izuku shifted around to nuzzle into my shoulder. "I don't know, probably because I didn't listen or I wanted something." He mumbled. "Wanted? That's past tense so it was some kind of flashback." Todoroki whispered to himself. "Izuku I'm sorry I wasn't there for you." Todoroki hugged Izuku closer to his chest. After about fifteen more minutes of that he gently laid Izuku down on the bed and quietly left the room. Todoroki said his goodbyes and then went back to the place he lived.


Izuku's POV

I wake to my annoying alarm. It takes a second but I then recall the events of the day prior. I internally groaned as I remembered cuddling Todoroki. God your so dumb! Why the hell did I do that? Though I did get sleep for the first time since I got back. I sighed and got out of bed. I put on my work out clothes and head out for my early morning run. It was a beautiful day out but I got sweaty as usual. I haven't had the chance to properly take a bath in almost four days. I probably reek.

I arrived back at the house as I had done the morning before. People were in the kitchen making breakfast. I walked straight to 'my' room to grab new clothes. I pulled out grey shorts and a black shirt that read 'white shirt'.  I knew this house has two bathrooms, the first doesn't have a bathtub or shower and I've never been into the second. All I know is that it's at the end of the hallway next to Shota's room. I don't want to go over there. I don't think I've ever liked going next to their room. It's like a forbidden area or something.

I gathered my courage and walked to the end of the hall. I opened the bathroom door. I peeked inside only to see that there was a shower and no bath. Maybe there was a secret master bath I could use? I walked out to the kitchen. "Um... excuse me?" I asked quietly suddenly feeling very small. Shota glanced up. "Yes Izuku?" He said not harshly but it was obvious he hadn't gotten his morning coffee. "Um-uh where is the bathtub?" I asked fidgeting. "Sorry, this house doesn't have a bathtub, the shower is at the end of the hall though." The ravenette said softly.

"I don't take showers." I shifted uncomfortably. "What's wrong with showers?" I jumped, Denki was here. "I um I just don't like them." I mumbled. "Sorry bro, my house doesn't have a bathtub either so your stuck with the shower." Denki shrugged. I felt extremely awkward and small. Denki had no snark or malicious intent behind what he said but it still stung. "Izuku, I understand why you don't want to use the shower but that's all we have. Why don't you just try it?" Shota said. Of course he of all people would say that.

He understands shit about me and I've never seen him scared in my life. "O-oh." I mumbled quickly and quietly walking around the corner to the hall. I make my way to the bathroom once more. I set my clothes on the counter and turned to the glass shower. I took a deep breath and walked over. I opened the glass door and quickly reached in and turned on the water before pulling my arm out fast. That water started running like rain in the glass container like base. I took off my old clothes and just stared at the water.

I couldn't do it. I was frozen with fear as memory's of Shigaraki ran through my head. I shook my head and promised myself I would take a shower! It shouldn't be to hard. It's not gonna hurt me, I got this. I opened the glass door once more and took a step forward. I entered the rain-like water and held my breath as I prayed it wouldn't hurt me. I was in the shower for no more than five minutes before I quickly finished and got out of their. I padded myself dry and put on my clothes.

I threw my old clothes into a pile in my room and walked out to the kitchen to get something to drink. My hair was still wet and matted to my head. "How did your shower go?" Shota asked as I grabbed a cup.  "Umm... it was.... annoying." That was the only way I could describe it. I didn't like it. He hummed in response. There was then three distinct knocks on the door before it opened. Shoto walked in. "Hello Todoroki." I say expression blank. "Izuku." He greets with a smile. I like his smile it makes me happy.

"Izuku, Hitoshi, Hizashi and I are leaving for therapy again. Todoroki is here to keep you company and make sure you eat." I nodded quietly before setting the water down and walking back to "my" room. So I've been booted from family therapy? I thought they wanted me there. I guess they really don't think I am apart of their family. So... I was right. I should be happy I'm right but it hurts. Why does it hurt? About ten minutes went by and I heard the Aizawa's leave. "Izuku?" Todoroki asked as he peaked his head into my room.

"Are you ok?" He asked as he saw my face. "Do.... Do you..... like me?" I asked suddenly feeling like very alone in the world. It was deafeningly quiet for a minute. "Of course. What would ever make you think I didn't like you?" Todoroki said this in the most Serious and genuine tone I had ever heard from him. "What did I do to make the Aizawa's hate me?" I asked next. I've been bad and I'm dangerous that's why they hate me. "Izuku, They love you so much. They don't hate you-in fact I don't think they gave it in them to use the word hate to describe anything about you."

"But they do hate me, they don't think I'm in their family." "Yes they do-" "no they don't! I'm not going to their family therapy anymore," I responded with tears in my eyes. "Izuku.... They didn't tell you? The therapist told them that you should be in private therapy. If they could have you with them then they would." Todoroki answered kindly. "R-really!" I said hope sparking in my eyes. "Yes." Todoroki then pulled me into a hug. "Come on let's pick something to make for dinner." We stood up, me holding Shoto's hand. I didn't want to let go, the fear of him disappearing from right in front of me urging me to keep close.

                        ~1233 words

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