24- Working a Workout Out

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Izuku liked Todoroki, he did really, but sometimes he couldn't help but want to drop kick the other boy. Izuku like to work out early in the morning and told Todoroki so but it was currently five forty six AM and he hadn't Arrived. Izuku would have just started his work out by now but he was told that he wasn't allowed to work out by himself at all so all he could do was wait. Sadly he was very impatient. He picked up his phone, dad finally got him a new one, and called the boy. "Izuku? What's up?" The half-n-half boy answers immediately.

"Where are you? I wanted to start training like forty minutes ago." Izuku says annoyed. He liked the morning because he hated dealing with people. Izuku liked his 'him time'. The only time he had ever gotten to himself was early in the morning or late in the evening. So he was a bit more irritable than usual. To him it was the most annoying thing to have plans interrupted or delayed because someone couldn't be on time. "What? I didn't think we were going to start until six AM? I'm only just now just leaving." Izuku sighed to himself.

"Ok hurry please!" The greenette said before hanging up. He sighed sitting at the kitchen table, tapping his finger repeatedly as he waited another fifteen minutes. Finally there was a knock at the door signifying that the other boy was here. Izuku immediately jumped up and opened the door. "Todoroki come on we already started late so we have to get going now." He said rushed as he walked right by Todoroki and out the door. "Ah-no Izuku wait!" Todoroki said grabbing his wrist. Izuku instinctively flinched but no one decided to comment on it as Shoto let him go.

"Izuku please wait a moment." Todoroki sighed. "Why? we're late thanks to you." Izuku said tone dripping with annoyance. Todoroki responded with a second sigh. "Because today is the first day we're trying this, we need to talk and make a solid workout plan. I don't know if you noticed this morning but we aren't on the same page." Izuku knew the other boy was right but he just wanted to get started right now. He didn't know why he was so anxious, Izuku just had this impending doom feeling that he couldn't shake since he was told he could go on this mission.

He had to be ready for anything and currently he wasn't ready at all! It's already been two weeks without any proper training. Shoto led me inside again and we sat at the kitchen table. "First we need to decide on times, six is a good time for me to come over and start." "I like to start at five though." Izuku interrupted. "I know but I really can't get over here much earlier and you can't start without me." Todoroki said. There was a mild twitch in Shotos eye when he interrupted the taller boy but his face remained neutral.

"Fine." Izuku said a little peeved that he couldn't start when he wanted. "Ok." Todoroki said after a pause. "So I was thinking we could do a five hour work out every day. We start at six and end at three with a lunch break and a few snack and water breaks." Izuku was frustrated with this schedule. "Or we could just train all day." He said with a less than pleasant tone. He didn't understand why Todoroki wanted so many breaks he was only there to make sure Izuku ate.

"Because you will over work yourself." Todoroki said with another eye twitch. "No I won't! It doesn't even matter just let me do it how I want!" That got a reaction from Shoto. He looked upset and stood up and walked out the door, closing it behind him. 'He left? Why did he leave? Did I do something wrong?' Izuku started to panic as thoughts clouded his mind. Todoroki wasn't coming back he knew it, he just knew it. He messed up, He messed up big time. He didn't know he was upsetting Shoto. If he knew then he would have just stayed quiet and not said anything at all.

Shoto probably hates him and if Shoto has already figured out how utterly annoying and useless he is then it's only a matter of time before everyone else does.


Shoto was having a very bad morning. He had gotten up at five to get ready to help Izuku but his 'father' confronted him after his shower. Enji was mad that he was going to help 'that thing' as his 'father' oh so loves to call Izuku. Shoto had a large argument with his father after that comment ending with Enji punched Shoto in the gut.

He was having a bad morning that's all he could really say. Of course, he tried to brush it off and go to. The Aizawa's with a positive attitude but it seems that the green haired boy was not a morning person at all. Shoto did his best not to show he was frustrated as he new Izuku was struggling with understanding that even if someone was a bit upset with him that didn't mean they were going to hurt him. Shoto also knew that though Izuku was being difficult he wasn't used to a work out schedule less than nine hours with breaks and Izuku was obviously anxious.

So when he had been interrupted and argued with again he knew he needed a break. He had to leave the room to calm down least he say something he might regret. The taller boy had been outside for about five minutes to cool off before walking back inside to explain to Izuku that he just needed a moment. Todoroki came into the kitchen to see Izuku on the floor by his chair pulling his hair and holding his breath.

"Izuku." Shoto said as he rushed to the smaller boys side. "Hey hey izu I need you to breath ok? Can you breath with me?" Todoroki grabbed Izuku's hands from his head to stop him from pulling out his hair. "Come it's going to be ok, breath with me. Take a deep breath 1.. 2..3..4..5 ok now let it out 7..6..5..4..3..2..1 good your doing good keep going." Izuku was breathing with Todoroki now though it was strained at least he was no longer holding his breath.

"Ok Izuku can you name five things you can hear?" Todoroki asked doing his best not to make it any worse. "U-Umm I-I c-ca-can he-hear the-the wash-washer a-and my heart be-beating in-in m-m-my ear. Y-your v-voice. I-I I ca-can't *hic." Izuku let out a sob. "It's ok shhhh shhh it's ok." Todoroki said he then let go of Izuku's left hand to make and ice cube with his right. He then placed it into Izuku's hand. "Can you try to focus on the ice melting?" Todoroki said as Izuku continued to sob. Izuku's cry's quieted down a bit after a minute.

"See? Everything is ok." Todoroki said trying to further sooth Izuku. "N-no...." He sobbed out. "Y-you le-left, you we-weren't g-gonna c-com-come b-b-back. I-I'm s-s-sorry, pl-please don't l-leave I'll be b-better." Izuku said dropping the ice cube and latching onto Shoto's shirt. "Hey no no it's ok, your just fine Izuku. You don't have to change at all." He comforted best he could. "I'm not going to leave, I promise I'm not going to leave you."

"A-are you s-sure? C-cause I-I-ill cha-change an-and be-be g-g-good." He sobbed. "Yes I'm sure Izuku, your perfect the way you are." Shoto said. For the next five minutes He  just sat holding Izuku helping the boy calm down.

                -1348 words

oops I'm a day late😅 school is a bitch so my update schedule is going to be really messed up for a while, sorry about that.

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