Chapter I: Fangs

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Adrenaline was rushing through my body. Tears was streaming from her eyes. I could feel sticky sweet blood on my lips. I licked it off dying my tongue red in the process. I brought my mouth into a smile displaying my fangs. My normally pearly white teeth were red, blood red. She was choking and spluttering, tears rolling down her face. She was begging me to spare her, to not end her life. She was saying she had so much to live for. She was sprawled on the floor. Her cheek bleeding where my fangs had sliced it open. I kneeled down next to her. She looked up at me her light blue eyes brimmed with tears. I only said for words.

"Who's the crybaby now?"

With that I sunk my teeth into her throat. I could hear her take her final gasp of air before dying. I started to drink her blood. It was so sickly sweet, it wasn't pure blood. I didn't expect it to be she wasn't pure she was bitter sweet. A girl who acted innocent but her words were laced with poison.

It was better than non so I drank it. Most of it, i'm sure she wouldn't of minded, not that she had a choice as she was now a corpse. lying on the wooden ground. Eyes once light blue now a dull grey. Her hair was once dark brown curls now stained with blood. Once I was done I took my fangs out of her neck. I wiped my mouth so it wouldn't be obvious I had killed her. I took out my phone a took a picture. That one will go in my picture frame along with the many other. I then picked up the body and opened the door to the room I was in.

I looked at my watch it read 10:00pm. I was still in school I had somehow managed to convince her to stay behind. Stupid human. Nether the less I walked out of the room. I walked along the corridor until I got to her best friends locker. Nobody in this school ever locked their lockers for some reason, it made my job easier. I carefully placed the body in the locker. I then wrote a note and stapled it to the dead girls blazer. I then closed the locker and went to the bathroom to wash the blood off me. I got some cold water and poured it over my face. It got off some of the blood. I looked at myself in the mirror. Well I didn't see anything as vampires don't see themselves in mirrors. Guess that's why vampires are never vain, like Cassandra and all those other wannabies. I smiled to myself then that smile turned into a giggle and that giggle turned into a laugh. Before I realised I was laughing like a maniac. I covered my mouth, I didn't want to have to kill another person, actually maybe I did. I have already killed so many people over the years. To be honest didn't even care if I killed another.

After I stopped contemplating if I should kill anyone else I decided I should probably go home, I had to do a lot of acting tomorrow. I left the bathroom and walked through the corridor. I passed the girls locker that I had put the corpse into. I smiled she had deserved it. The girl who killed was called Cassandra. She was a brat and I hated her. I really hated her. So I found away to get rid of her. Now here I am. Blood was still on my arms from Carrying the body. So I went to my locker and I put on my black hoodie and left the school. As I stepped outside I felt the cold breeze caressed my body. I pulled my hoodie further over my face so nobody knew it was me. I didn't want any rumours flying about. As I walked through the dimly lit street I had a feeling someone was watching me. It was just a suspicion, I felt a hand on my shoulder. The hands fingers pulling at my hoodie, when I turned around no one was there. I looked at my watch 10:57pm it read. I must be tired and be imagining things. maybe there was something wrong with that blood. I needed to get home, my parents would be wondering where I was.

I don't think they would mind that I had killed someone we were a family of vampires after all. They would just ask who I killed, why and if there was any witnesses. I always made sure there was no witnesses as I didn't want to ruin or lower my families reputation in any way, shape or form. I'm surprised no one has figured out that we are vampires yet. Its pretty funny to be honest. I don't want to stop killing, pigs blood is so boring and bland. How do vampires that have supposedly 'given up there ways' for a 'better life'. Being a vampire is great who would ever want to give it up. My family still hunts and feeds on humans. You know that though. If we were like other vampires I wouldn't even be here in the first place.

I started to feel wet drip through my hoodie, great it had started to rain. luckily I was nearly home. I kept walking my silver hair brushing against my face. The rain was getting heavier and i was getting colder, even with this hoodie on I was freezing and the wind and rain was not stopping anytime soon. I started to run about before I knew it I was sprinting down the road. I stopped when I got to my house. It was pretty big and was built in the Victorian era. I knocked on the door and wrapped my arms around me for warmth. my teeth were chattering i didnt know rain could be so cold!

My mother opened the door. "Maddi come in you look so cold," she said gesturing for me to come inside. I walked in the house and immediately walked towards the staircase. As I started to walk up the steps my dad asked "How was the hunt?"

"It went well, I killed the girl who was annoying me," i said still walking up the staircase. He nodded in approval and smiled. "I'm just going to clean myself up," I said.

"ok me and your father are going on a hunt soon," my mother replied. I walked up the rest of the stairs and turned right along the short corridor into the bathroom. I stepped inside the room. The creamy whit walls were engraved with patterns I can remember tracing my fingers around the patterns when i was younger. I never really had playdates with anyone except my best friend Sky. She was a vampire too my kind of vampire that still feasted on human blood, not pigs blood.

I didn't really know why we even had a mirror in the bathroom no one could see through it. It didn't matter I thought as I turned on the hot water tap and cupped my hands underneath the tap. I then poured the water over my face to get the remaining blood of me. The rain had helped a bit with that though. Once I had got the remaining blood off. I decided to go to my room and chill for a bit. I heard my parents shout that they were going out. Then I heard the door slam, now I had the house all to myself.

I ran up to my room and opened the door. Before I lied down on my bed I made sure to take my necklace off, I could not damage that in any way. It has an enchantment on it that stops me burning in the daylight. I lied down on my bed. I looked around my room It was black and dark blue. My bed had matching coloured cushions and pillows. I looked at my phone.

One new message from Sky

Sky: HEY, hope ur hunt went well mine did I killed saskia who did u kill

Maddi: HELLO B my hunt went gr8 u will never guess who I killed

Sky: Who

Maddi: Cassandra

Sky: No way how is Stephanie and Moon going to react to this

Maddi: Idk but its going to be hilarious

Sky: XD

Maddi: See you tmrw

Sky: Byeee

I laughed as I put my phone down on my bedside table. I snuggled into my assortment of pillows and cushions on my bed and smiled. I couldn't wait for tomorrow. Its going to be so chaotic, I couldn't wait to see Stephanie's reaction to the note I left with the corpse in her locker. I laughed softly. As I slowly drifted off to sleep there was only one thing I could think of. The terror and confusion and sadness on Stephanie's face when she opened her locker. The worry on her face when she reads the note and the pure delight I will feel when it all happens.

What can I say .......

Let the chaos BEGIN ...

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