This time is different...

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Gael's laugh filled the stadium. He knew Pierre very well. His driver friend "fell in love" with the 90% of the women he saw, every single day.

Why this instant crush could be different? He didn't know anything about Maja but her name... And where she was from, of course. Back in his room, Pierre called Katerina and sent the photo with Djokovic. By the time he was falling asleep, he already forgot about the existence of Maja... At least he thought that.

A couple of days later, F1 event suffered a delay because of the bad weather at Tokyo. So the drivers were allowed to attend to other events. Antonio Giovinazzi, a good friend of Pierre, invited the Frenchman to a volleyball match: Italy vs Turkey, because a cousin of Antonio played with the women's Italian team.

They arrived early to the Ariake Arena that afternoon. A kind volunteer told them there was another game in progress, but they could enter to the stadium anyway.

Japanese girls were playing against Serbia. The two drivers found their seats and watched the big screen. Serbia had a solid 2-0 lead. When Pierre focused at the court, he immediately saw a familiar face: Maja.

She was at the bench, quiet and kind of sad. A few seconds later, Gasly noticed the surrounding bandage in her left ankle. Every time Serbia won a point, she tried to clap and cheer her teammates, but her eyes showed how much pain she had.

The game was coming to the end, but Pierre needed more information about Maja... That's why he planned a script that easily could win an Academy Award.

-Gio, I believed I'm sick. I shouldn't drink that fourth glass of juice at breakfast. I'm gonna go to the village and look for a doctor. Please forgive me and good luck to your cousin-, he murmured with his best pain expression.

-Roba da matti, Pierre! Do you want me to go with you? -, asked Giovinazzi.

-Oh, no, please stay and support your cousin. Village is not that far. I'll call you later, bro-, said Pierre, ready to run behind the Serbian team that just secured another win.

Pierre walked in circles until he arrived to the media room. There he asked a French journalist where he could find the players and promised he would give him as many interviews as he needs if he helped him with his little plan.

Pierre pretended he was waiting for his fellow journalist. 45 minutes later, he noticed Maja walking alone and very slowly. She didn't use a crutch or a cane, but she was clearly injured.

The driver sent a quick SMS to the journalist, letting him know it was "show time". Again, Pierre almost crashed with Maja, but this time, he knew exactly how to act.

-I'm really sor... Oh, wait, Maja?-, he said with a giant smile.

-Hey, Pierre. What are you doing here? Crashing with random people again?- she answered.

-God, no! I was looking for a friend. He is a journalist, and we were supposed to go to dinner, but I guess I arrived too early-, Pierre explained. -But please, let me help you. Where are you going?-

-Don't worry. I can walk by my own, it's just a little pain in my ankle. I just need to take it easy, so I will be able to play next game-, Maja affirmed.

-No way! I'm almost crashed with you twice. I will be your personal crutch. I'm gonna call my friend... He is coming over. Wait, please-, Pierre insisted.

The journalist approached them and explained to Pierre he couldn't join him at dinner because her boss asked for new interviews. He was a genius. Maja completely believed the journalist and Pierre were great friends.

With the fake dinner officially canceled, Pierre had the perfect scenario to share the rest of the day with Maja. He was a true gentleman with her, and he was decided to enjoy every second along her.

They went to dinner and talked for hours. Family, friends, hobbies, sports, childhood... Pierre was very careful avoiding the relationships stuff, so he won't bring his brand new "whatever it was" thing with Katerina to this beautiful journey. He ruined things with Guillaume and Cate in the past, and he didn't want to hurt Katerina... He also lost his friendship with Lando but... Maja was stuck in his head since he met her.

She was just one year younger than him. She had a rough way to Tokyo, multiple injuries and a lack of sponsors even though she was very talented. A great sense of humor, brave, a genuine passion for motorsports and an acceptable French level. She was so different from the other girls. She was authentic and so gorgeous, by the way.

It was almost midnight when they noticed how late it was. Pierre took Maja in his arms like they were a couple about to begin their honeymoon, so she won't hurt more her ankle.

When they arrived to Maja's room, he asked for her phone number and promised they will keep in touch. Hopefully, they will have another chance to repeat this atypical date. He was about to leave with a simply "good night" when he had a dose of "full Gas". Gently, he pressed a soft warm kiss so close to Maja's lips. And from that place he whispered: "Can't wait to see you again".

Maja's heart melted over and over throughout this time with Pierre, but that bloody kiss just stopped her heart. She just nodded and thanked Pierre for all his help and the dinner (and the butterflies, of course). When she closed the door, she felt that her ankle was better than ever. In fact, she believed she was flying.

Next morning, with the same smile she had since she found Pierre again, Maja checked her phone.

Good morning, Maja! Hope your ankle is doing better. If you need any help, I'll be happy to help 😘

Wow! I can't be luckier. I just got a message from a future F1 champion 🤩. Ankle is fine, merci. Any plan today?

You just made my day with that prediction 😍.
If your ankle is ok, would you like to go with me to a track walk in 45 minutes?

Really? Now you made my day! 💓 But I need to walk very slow 😩

Don't worry. Baby steps, I swear you.
In fact, that would mean more time with you 🤔... So, this is gonna be the longest track walk in F1 history 😏
See you at the main entrance of the Serbian facilities, pretty girl 😉

Deal! See you in 45! 🥰

Oh, and spoiler alert: I'll walk slower than a 🐢😜

You know what?...
... J'aime les tortoises 💘

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