I Am Not Going Ms. Swan

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The next morning I awake, alone like usual.
But today I feel different, like I feel like I'm going to throw up.
As I say that to my self I feel it.
"Emma, can you please come over I need your help"
"Sure, I'll be right over, of course"
When Emma gets here I can hear her from the dinning rooming.
"Regina, Regina!"
"Up here" I yell from the bath room floor.
As she opens the bath room door she scares with her words.
"No, no, no" she says...looking at her phone.
"What! What is it" I say angrily
"Oh nothing, my order for the chain on my necklace won't be here until the 28th" she says just barley looking up at me.
"Regina, what's the matter" she say rushing down to me.
"Now you listen, great"
"What's the matter, are you hurt, did you fall"
"Hey, I might be older than I look but I can still stand on my two feet thank you" I say as she helps me off the floor.
"So, what do you thinks the matter, have you been feeling like this lately" she says sitting next to me on the bed, with her hand on my leg.
"Yeah, actually yesterday I thought I was going to throw up but I never did" I say with a surprised look on my face.
"When was the last time you talk to robin"
"Ummm...about... A month ago why do you ask"
"Because you might be...PREGNANT"
"What, no, it's impossible" I think out loud.
"Wait what do you mean "it's impossible" she says standing above me.
"When I was in the enchanted forest I took a poison from my mothers box of magic and I drank it"
"Well what was it, tell me"
"It made it so that I couldn't bear children"
"Know wonder you and Graham"
"Me and Graham what?"
"Nothing, any way it must of stopped working when I broke the cures, but if you are Pregnant than we need to take you to Dr. Whale"
"I will not talk to that horrible human, after he tried to kill me"
"Ok fine, but can I at least get y-" she says but I cut her off.
"One of those test, sure but there not always right you know"
After she gets back with the test I take it to the bathroom and a couple minutes later I come out.
"So it says here you have to wait at least 5 minutes to show you if your pregnant" she says looking at the box.
"Here you take it and tell me what it says" I say closing my eyes.
"Regina Mills You are.......".
Hey guys good chapter right yeah me and Makenzie have been talking about this chapter and I just couldn't wait love you guys

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