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The second I heard her walk out of the door I burst into tears.
Now I'm confused about who I love.
Because Tink told me that my true love was Robin, but I'm in love with someone else.
By the time I make up my mind I hear Emma's car pull up.
I run as fast as I can down the stairs and out the door to jump into her arms.
As break the hug she says
"Hey I was gone for like ten minutes what's the mater".
"Do you love me" I ask out of no where
"Yes, yes I love you why, what's this all about"
"Good, because I love you too" I say with my arms still around her neck, then I kiss her and tip toe inside.
Then I stand in the kitchen waiting for her.
"What was that all about anyway" she says carrying groceries into the kitchen
"I was just making sure" I say leaning over the island in the kitchen.
"You know, I don't think I'v ever seen you so happy"
"Yeah, I don't know" I say biting into a apple, red of course.
"So we're going to get Henry back tomorrow, right"
She says putting the milk in the fridge.
"Yeah of course, but the whole charming soft ball team is coming right"
"Yep, all of us but Neil, he staying with anna and elsa. Oh and did I tell you gold is coming too"
"No! When did this happen"
"He asked me yesterday when I pick up the spell"
"Well, I don't care who's coming as long as we're together" I say hugging her
"I will always find you" she says with a smirk on her face.
"Ha very funny" I say pushing her off of me playfully.
"So what are we going to have for dinner" she says looking in the freezer.
"I don't want to cook, so how about some TV dinners and making fun of your mother and I in that movie, Snow White and the seven idiots or whatever it's called" I say
"Sounds good to me".
Emma gets into the living room before I do.
As I go to sit on the other side of the couch Emma pulls me in on top of her, and puts her strong arms around me.
And that's the last thing I remember before we both drift off to sleep on the couch.

I'll Fight For Our Son: A SwanQueen StoryWhere stories live. Discover now