"Healing Takes Time" -Chapter 4-

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As the sun rose above the SMP so did the wakeness of Tommy, a new day a dawn. He stared out the large window by his bed as he sat in its blankets. Outside was a beatiful sunrise, Tommy admired the sunrise, warm, colorful, bright. It made Tommy reminisce about his past. He sat there his arms restting on the windowsill and his head resting in his arms.

Tommy stayed like that by the window for quite some time. If he was being completely honest, he didn't really know how he felt at that moment. There were no thoughts behind his actions. A soft knock was then sounded on Tommy's door.

"Hey Tommy, you awake?" The low voice of his Brother was heard through the door. "I'm up, you can come in if you want." The door behind Tommy then creaked open. Techno had heard the quiet noises of Tommy waking up but he didn't really expect him to be up this early.

 "Do think you could do me a favor?" Tommy lifted himself up from the windowsill and turned to Technoblade. "Sure, Techno, I'll try." A slight smile krept up on Techno's lips as soon as Tommy replied.

"Ranboo forgot his axe here the other day, think you could bring it to him?" Tommy shrugged a bit. "Yeah that seems doable." Techno put down the enchanted netherite axe Tommy hadn't realised he had until now down by his door. "Thanks Tom, i owe you one."

"Mhm." Tommy smiled a little back at Technoblade as he left the room. "Better get to it then." Tommy mumbled to himself.

He got up and got properly dressed. He had put on his classic red and white baseball tee. He grabbed his old backpack from the corner of the room. That thing had stayed in the exact same spot he left it in long ago. He picked up the brown backpack and put Ranboo's axe in it.

He left the house and headed over to the enderman hybrids home. The soft new-fallen snow crunched under Tommy's feet. Of course it was cold, but, he didn't mind. Tommy walked up to Ranboo's  front door. He let out a heavy sigh as straightened his posture and knocked on the door.

The freakishly tall boy opened the door. Ranboo towered over Tommy by a lot, but he still somehow managed to not seem threatning whatsoever. "Hi, Ranboo." Ranboo worried for a second, had he done something wrong?  "Hi, Tommy?" Ironically enough Ranboo seemed more nervous than Tommy. 

It's not like they never talk but Ranboo had no idea Tommy ever had wings. "You wanna come in?" The blond looked up at the visibly awkward enderman hybrid and nodded his head. 

Tommy and Ranboo stepped inside. They went over to Ranboo's  couch and sat down toogether. Tommy put down his backpack and reached into it. Ranboo almost instantly noticed and stared confused down at the brown backpack.  "Techno wanted me to return this to you, you forgot it at his house the other day."

Ranboo relaxed relieved there were no bad news or anything. Tommy probably hadn't realised how cold his expression and and vibe was anyways so Ranboo figured he was just being paranoid.

"So uhm, wings ey?" Tommy looked down at the floor while replying. "Yeah, I've actually had them since I was 15." Tommy turned his head to see Ranboo who was clearly very interested in the situation. "I never told anyone but Techno until recently."

"That's so cool Tommy! Can you fly like Phil?" Ranboo eagerly asked.

"Yeah they're basically just like Phil's for flying and stuff, except for the color, that and mine have never been severly damaged." Ranboo smiled at Tommy "Cool!" 

"So how have you been recently?"  Tommy froze at the question.

"I guess.. I- uhm."

Ranboo gave his friend a slightly concerned look.

"I guess I've been a little off."

The enderman hyrbrid nodded in understanding. "It's alright if you dont wanna talk about it, i know the feeling." Tommy smiled a bit at his friends comment. "How about we try to bake some sugar cookies, get this off our minds?"

Tommy brightened up. "Fuck yeah!"

"Sugar cookies it is then." Ranboo chuckled out.

Ding!  "The cookies are done Tommy!" Tommy straight up bolted towards the kitchen when he heard that. "Coming!" They both looked excited as they took out two trays full of sugar cookies all decorated with love and lots of color. "I made you one that looks like yo-" They both start laughing when they realise they've made eachother sugar cookies of eachother.

Earlier when they were decorating they made some together, some alone. They had made some specially for Technoblade and Philza. For Techno they had made three cookies, one decorated to look like him, one decorated to look like Carl, and one decorated to look like The axe of peace.

They had also made three for Phil, one of himself, one of a crow, and one of his bucket hat. They were both super proud of their work. The ones for Phil and Techno werent the only little "sets" they had made though. There were several of them for their other friends on the Smp and such.

After deciding on who gets what sets of cookies and cleaning up the mess the kitchen was after the baking, Tommy decided to head home for the night. 

Tommy now stood outside the cabin once again, Steve as always close by the door. Tommy was practically attacked with affection instantly. Steve seemed to be very fond of Tommy, though it was partially always like that. It was now very clear who Steve's favorite person was.

Tommy pet the large polar bear a bit before heading inside the cabin. What tommy didn't expect was to see Philza and Technoblade  attempting to build a house of cards.

 "Hey guys, Ranboo and me made you some sugar cookies, want some?" Phil and Techno look at eachother and then back at Tommy. "Sure, a late night snack couldn't possibly hurt anyone, aye Techno?" Technoblade sighed in defeat. "I suppose not Phil." Tommy gave them their personalized cookies and headed off to bed. What a day.


Word count: 1018

Authors notes: Once again back at with a new chapter- sorry its a little late, Hopefully this chapter was worth the wait. And thank you to all the people that have actually gotten this far into the book, you're Pogchamp! and remember, have a great day/afternoon/night/morning or whatever the time is for you. :]

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