Chapter 1: The Apes Forest

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POV: Izuku
I jolted awake as the pod slammed into something.
"What in the name of-?"I grumbled in Saiyan Tongue, the language of my home planet.
I flinched as the pod door opened with a loud hiss.
Sunlight rammed into my eyes, I shielded them, mainly my left as it wasn't slightly protected by a scouter.
I crawled out of the pod and paused to activate my scouter.
Number after number appeared each slightly higher than the last the numbers showed different peoples power levels on this planet, the highest number reached at the moment was 325 distance away was 269 miles northeast of my current location.
A snapping twig caught my attention I threw an energy blast in it's direction.
"REEEEEEEEK!!!!" Something squealed from it's hiding spot, then it darted out, baring it's teeth.
It was a monkey.
It suddenly stopped baring it's teeth, it was now staring at me in apparent wonder.
"Hoomen?"it said, in insanely broken Saiyan Tongue "O no?"
"You speak Saiyan Tongue?" I said, the monkey jumped.
"Bruhda!" The monkey exclaimed"Come, dinner time!"
He ushered for me to follow, and then bolted into the forest.
I dashed after him, seeing as I hadn't yet learned to fly back home, I was constantly tripping on tree roots and fallen branches.
The monkey eventually led me into a cave, I made an orb of energy to light my way.
The monkey stared at the orb floating in my hand.
"What?" I asked.
"Odd flame." The monkey said pointing at the energy.
"Uuuuuuuuh... yeah..." I said, they'd obviously never seen an energy orb before.
In the cave were various different species of apes; monkeys, gorillas, orangutans, chimpanzees, and other various apes.
"Bruhdas." The monkey said, the apes turned. "De King has arrived."
King?! I thought.
The apes turned to me, I flinched.
They all bowed.
"You're highness."
I was startled. Me? A king? I knew I was to become one back home but then... that happened...
But maybe this wouldn't be too bad... A forest full of apes...

Years passed... 5? 10? I'd honestly stopped counting.
It wasn't easy being King of the Apes Forest, I had to beat a lot of humans who tried to take or hurt my subjects, not to mention a very annoying leopard that kept attacking me and then leaving me on the ground half dead, just so it could come back a few weeks later to do it again.
Foolish thing should've killed me when it had the chance, the next battle will be its last.

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