Chapter 2 Camping Trip and an Unexpected Meeting

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POV: Momo Yaoyurozu
I sat in class chatting with Kyoka Jiro, my lifelong BFF, we had been friends practically since I can remember.
"Hey girls!" Mina Ashido said, walking over. Mina was a beautiful girl with bubble gum pink skin and a bubbly personality to match, the only bad thing about her was the fact that she had a very, VERY bad habit of "shipping" her classmates together.
"Good morning Mina." I said.
Mina looked at Jiro and smirked.
Oh no I thought here we go again.
"Hey Kyoka," Mina said
Jiro sighed.
"What this time Mina?" She said, she knew all to well what was about to happen.
The bell rang and our teacher, Mr. Aizawa walked in, carrying his usual bright yellow sleeping bag.
"Okay class, today you all need to give these to your parents." He says, holding up a permission slip of some sort.
I never thought I'd hear what he said next in my life
"These permission slips will indicate you'll becoming with us to the Apes Forest."
A chill ran down my spine, I had heard myths about the Apes Forest. You'll be fine if you don't touch the apes living there, some people say the monkeys will even give free grooming, but if you have any intentions to hurt the apes, people have found animal smugglers lying at the edge of the forest, brutally beaten.
People who can remember what happened to them speak of a boy about our age, he's said to be well built, with onyx colored eyes, jet black hair, and a brown monkeys tail, some have accounts of the boy firing beams of some sort of green beam of light at them.
I pray for Bakugou as he's a moron.

The weekend past, my parents signed the slip and helped me pack, on Monday, everyone handed in their permission slips and boarded the bus for a 2 and a half hour ride.

"Here is where we will be setting up." Mr. Aizawa said pointing at a clearing in front of us, we all flopped on the ground, exhausted after a mile and a half walk through the forest.
"Now everyone listen," Mr. Aizawa said, "do not attempt to attack or hurt any of the apes within this forest, I don't want the rumored 'Ape King' coming after any of you."

That night, we all slipped into our sleeping bags, for dinner we had gone to the river nearby and caught some fish, we had to use Shoto Todoroki's fire to cook them, for some odd reason, the branches and twigs we'd gathered from the forest floor wouldn't catch, gutting the fish wasn't a problem, because apparently Denki Kaminari, who wasn't the brightest student in the class, knew how to do it from reading a survival book.
I snuggled into my heat padded sleeping bag and was about to doze off when-
I heard a stick break underfoot at first I thought it was one of my classmates but then, I heard something, or rather, someone say something in an odd language I'd never heard.
I quietly slid out of my sleeping bag and crawled over to the tent entrance, not making so much as a decibel of sound, I slowly, quietly slid back the tent flap and peeked out.
A shudder ran down my spine, but I didn't make any noise.
Stand there, just ten feet from my tent, was the boy I'd heard so many stories about.
The statement that the boy was well built was a serious understatement, he was quite muscular, his muscles looked like they were carved out of a rock, he was wearing some sort of armor and a strange device on his face, he stood there, conversing with a chimpanzee.
I wanted to pull out my phone and take a picture, but I couldn't move, my whole body had gone rigid.
The boy finished his conversation with the chimpanzee and threw some wood into our failed fire pit, then threw a blast of that green light- no, green energy- at it, lighting it instantly, he then threw some sort of bacon onto the fire, turned his back to the camp and lumbered off into the forest.

I jumped and looked at Jiro.
"Y-yes Jiro?" I said, stifling a yawn, I hadn't slept at all last night after seeing the rumored Ape King in person, I couldn't find the language he'd been speaking either.
"Are you okay?" Jiro asked, looking at me with heavy concern. "Did you get enough sleep."
Before I could answer, an enormous roar rang out behind me, I spun around as a massive leopard launched out of the bushes into the camp.
Jiro scrambled to my side, staring at the beast.
The leopard looked at us one by one, then it snarled.
"H-he s-says to br-bring." Koji Koda said, trembling, "br-bring what M-Mr. leopard?"
The leopard roared again, everyone flinched.
That's when I realized, it must be talking about the Ape King!
But I think the leopard saw the realization in my eyes.
He curled his legs.
And he lunged at me.
A sudden force slammed into the leopards side, sending him flying.
I was startled when I saw who had hit the leopard.
It was him, the Ape King.
He bared his teeth and growled like an animal at the leopard.
The leopard rolled to its feet and snarled, it then lunged at the Ape King and sank its teeth into his right arm.
The Ape King roared and suplex kicked the leopard into a tree, releasing a spray of his blood as he basically ripped the leopards canines not just from his arm, but also from the leopards mouth as well.
The leopard let out a kitten like meow as it felt it main canines be ripped from its mouth, but it lunged and sank its remaining teeth into the Ape King's left shoulder.
The Ape King did a back slam against a tree, splitting it in half, I heard the sound of bones breaking, I'm guessing it was the leopards ribs as the leopard let out a pitiful yowling noise as it attempted to claw at the Ape King, getting a few deep slashes in but not many.
The Ape King grabbed the leopard by the neck and, with a single quick movement, snapped its neck.
We all just stood there in shock as the Ape King turned towards us, coated in both his own blood and the leopards blood.
He locked eyes with me momentarily, before his knees buckled, and he feel to the ground unconscious.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2021 ⏰

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