Chapter 8: Truth or Dare

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We step into the guys cabin, as Caleb closes it behind us. "Why is your cabin bigger then ours?" Olivia asks, sitting on a bed that doesn't have a bunk bed on top. "There's some that are big and some that aren't" Caleb says, leaning on the wood of the bunk bed.

I was now sitting next to Olivia and Tyler. Caleb was leaning on the bunk bed, Charli was sitting on the floor, and Vinnie was sitting beside Charli. "So where is Sheila so we can get started?" Tyler asks, right as he says that, someone opens the door from the cabin as we all look up to see Sheila. "I'm back" she smiles. "Hey" everyone says, I said a small hello.

"So I heard we are playing truth or dare" she says, sitting on the floor. "Yeah, so let's get started" Olivia says.

We all sit in a circle, on the floor. I was beside Tyler and Charli. "Okay Olivia, truth or dare?" Caleb asks her.

"Dare" she smirks. "Alright, right into it. Well, I dare you to lick this very cabin floor" Caleb smirks. "That's gross" Charli says. Tyler fake gags, as Vinnie and Sheila chuckle. "Wait what? You're serious?" Olivia says in shock. "Yes I'm serious. It's a dare so do it!!" He laughs. She groans. "Fine!"

She leans down, as she quickly licks the floor. "I think I'm gonna barf" Tyler says, holding his mouth. "That was gross Olivia!" I laugh. "Ew!!" She yells, wiping whatever off her tongue. "I'm definitely washing my mouth after this" she says with a disgusted face.

"Okay, now you have to dare someone next" Caleb chuckles. "Okay fine. Uhm..tyler truth or dare?" She asks him, looking at him.

"Truth" he says. "What a wuss!!" Vinnie says, shaking his head. Tyler rolls his eyes. "Is it true, you had a girlfriend?" Olivia asks. "Yes it's true, we dated for two years actually..I loved her a lot. More then anything, but she ended up cheating on me..and we broke up about a year ago" Tyler says. "That's crazy" I whisper. He shakes his head. "Oh I'm sorry" Olivia says.

"Okay no more sad sh*t. Y/N, truth or dare?" tyler asks me. "Ohh this is gonna be good" Charli says, rubbing her hands together.

I see Sheila smirk. "Dare" I say, looking away from her and to Tyler. He smirks looking at the group, then back at me. "I dare kiss Sheila"

"What!?" I yell a bit, with wide eyes. I look at Sheila, as she crosses her arms, looking away. "Do it!" Caleb says, cheering on. "But~" I say, then getting interrupted. "Y/N, it's just a dare. Come on do it, be a teenager" charli says nudging me. "Guys guys. If she doesn't wanna do it, don't force her..them" vinnie says, crossing his arms. I look at Sheila who was next to Vinnie, she was looking at me.

"Ugh, do I have to? I never agreed to this" Sheila grunts. "Exactly, what she said" I say. "Yes" they all say. I roll my eyes, as we both Scooch up to the middle, meeting each other. We quickly lean in, as our lips lock quickly, as we both pull away. Everyone cheers, as I scooch back to my spot. "That was hot" Tyler smirks.

"You did it" Charli smirks. I roll my eyes, looking at Sheila, as she was looking at Caleb. I just kissed, Sheila...the girl I really dislike. "Alright uhm...vinnie, truth or dare?" I ask him. "Truth" he says. "Is it are over Sheila?" I ask. Wait..I wasn't supposed to say that. Wait wait wait-

Everyone goes quiet. "Why would you ask that" Olivia whispers to me. "It wasn't supposed to come out of my mouth that was a total mistake" I whisper back. Vinnie looks at me. He then looks at Sheila, then back at me. "Yeah..uhm..yeah I am" he says.

I glup. "O-oh" I say. "Anyways, let's not ruin the moment. Caleb, truth or dare?" He asks. "Dare for sure!!" Caleb says, waving his arm. "I dare you to go skinny dipping right now" vinnie says. "Right now?" Caleb smirks. "Right now" vinnie states. "Oh yeahhh!" Caleb cheers, running out the cabin.

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