Chapter 12: 1 month later

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I sit on the deck alone, getting some time to myself. Yes I've been at this camp for a month. I have one month more to go and then it's all over, thank goodness. I'm kind of enjoying this, but kind of not. It was currently around 9pm, so everyone was in bed. Now I'm just dangling my feet above the water, looking around outside, just thinking.

I usually do this, when I need time to think. Well, to catch you up..Sheila just kissed me on the lips. Me and her gotten a lot closer, we became really great friends. She's awesome. We where about to head off to our cabins, when we begin to talk about little stuff, then she had a little moment..and she kissed me.

I'm still confused. I pulled apart, and she gave me a look running she got nervous and embarrassed. I felt really bad, now here I am still confused. "Hey you okay?" I hear a familiar voice say approach me. I look back to see Caleb. He sat beside me.

"Yeah" I whisper. "What's up?" He asks, moving a little closer to me. "Sheila just..kissed me. We kissed. I don't know what to do" I say. "Well do you like her?" He asks me. I shrug. "You what?" I hear a faint voice say. Both me and Caleb turn our heads, to see Vinnie standing behind us, with a sad look.

Me and Caleb quickly stand up. "Nothing" I say, wiping my pants off. "You kissed Sheila?!" He asks, a bit more rough. "W-what? No I didn't!" I say. "She didn't man" Caleb says defending me. "No you butt out of this!" Vinnie says to Caleb. "Sorry y/n, I'm gonna go" Caleb whispers to me. I nod as he runs off the deck, just leaving me and Vinnie.

"Vinnie we shouldn't even be doing this outside" I say. "There's a rumor going around the camp saying they saw you two kiss" vinnie says looking straight into my dark eyes. (Before you guys comment, 'my eyes aren't dark' olivia rodrigo is playing you. Your looks, so I'm describing her)

"What?" I say confused. How did the word spread around so quick, it just happened like 6 minutes ago..but at the same time it was around when everyone was starting to walk to there cabins so people could have saw us. "I didn't kiss her vinnie, she kissed me!" I say.

"Yeah..whatever, how am I supposed to believe that when you guys are always so close" he scoffs, shaking his head looking away from me. "Because she's my friend! And why are you so mad?! We aren't even dating!" I say saying the last words a little loud. He turns to me, as his face goes soft.

We stay in silence. "Right..y-you're right" he stutters. "I was stupid to think we had a thing, after that spin the bottle game last month" he whispers, looking down. "No vinnie I didn't mean it like that, we do have a thing going on I promise!" I say placing my hand on his shoulder. He lightly shakes his head. "I- was—never mind I'm gonna go..I'll see you tomorrow I guess" he says, as he turns around.

"Vinnie" I say.

He doesn't turn back, as I see him walk away..soon I can't see his figure. I let out a huge sigh. I just ruined everything.

I begin to make my way to my cabin.

I open the door slowly, seeing the lights turned off, they must be asleep.

I go straight to the bunk with my sister above, as I lay down, pulling the covers over me.

I let out a sigh, as I think about the things I could have said in that very situation that has happened. (I do this all the time)

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