When they first meat <333333

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andre the ice cream mans pov

*miraculous theme song plays*

today im going to adrien agrests new product launch. im going to bring lots and lots of ice cream to the lovers of paris! im quite looking foward to it. the mayor is going to be there which makes me kinda nervie because  has so much power. also not going to lie he is kinds hot. he has a wifey though:(((

When i get there i set up my cart and start selling my ice cream. seeing all the couples makes me quite sad that im a single pringle. businise is starting to slow down so i start to move to my next location. right as im about to reach the dsired spot i run into a damn bench and start falling. right as im about to hit the floor a strong manly arm catches me.

 right as im about to hit the floor a strong manly arm catches me

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you alright a voice says. i look up to see who the voice belongs too. and there he is. andre. looking hot as ever. thanks for catching me i wisper. no problem he mudders back. i stare into those blue blue eyes while hes holding me. sundenly before i relize whats happening his lips are on mine. my dreams have come true. we make out for a solid 12 muenits. he is very good at kissing lol.

after we are done kissing he says i have a wife and kid you know. i nod in dismay. i know but you made my dreams come true. you just made me so happy. i love to see that your happy andre but i dont think i could disobay my wife like that.he says. chloe wouldnt be very happy either. i know i say but youre the one who kissed me anyway. cant we just go on one date? ok he agrees . i guess that wouldnt hurt anything 

we start to chatter in excitement about when we will meat next. we share one of my ice creams before he has to leave. we kiss agin and i wisper in his ear about how hot he is. then he leaves adn i think about what just happend in the last coumple of muienets. wow i think. i guess i am no longer a singel pringle:))))))))))))))))))))))))))))).

end of chapter ig

authors note:

it started going in italics some how and i dont know how to fix it so thanks for dealing with that.

thanks for reading this chapter and i hope you read the next one. that would make me very happy XD.

hope you enjoyed reading!!!

i will try to make a chapter every few days while i can.

i might update this tommorow actually. it was very fun to make. also i made the art that very fun to :))))

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