baby in the oven uwu

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authors note:  next chapter !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

andrre the authors pov:

we arrive in vegas just 27 minutes to spare before our wedding. we bought a cappy barra and its going to be our ring barrer. we have named hime albert and he is our friend now:)

after our wedding is over we head to our new home in holly wood. we imeditly go to bed bc by now it is 1100 pm. very tired i lay in bed and contemplate the events of the evening. me and andre made out a lot. we arnt drunk XD. finally i go to sleep.

i wake up in the morning to hubby viontly throwing up. good morning sweatie cakes! i exclaim. cant you see im trowing up he replies. yup! i reply and kiss him anyway. i make some breakfast eat it get dressed poop and then head to my new job at flakey.

when i get home im greated my the hubster crying at the kitchen table. whats wrong scrumptios? i ask him my voice full of concern. im sick he replys with a groan. you must have some sort of virus and you will be better in a few days sweatness i coo attemting to calm him. but ive... ive never felt this way before. he says. you should get some rest. youll need your energy to be hot with toomorow. i tease him. thanks twinkie he tingles. then he goes off to bed.

in the morning babe is still asleep when i leave for work. i kiss him gently on his forhead and then leave for flakey mart.

when i get home our arparntment is empty.... or so i thought. i go poop for a good 5 miuenites and when i emerge from the bathroom groaning i see him. he is standing in the kitchen stiring  somthing in a pot. whats cooking good looking i ask him. he grins even wider and says ...... a baby! in my stomache! he holds up his pot to reveal a positive pregnacy test. wowowowow!!!!! i scream thats great hunny stick! i exclaim with prue joy!!!

 wowowowow!!!!! i scream thats great hunny stick! i exclaim with prue joy!!!

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5 months later.....

now that we know the gender of the baby we need to start thinking of names for her mic pic you! the hubster exlaims! yes im thinkig zoe i like that name its the name of my dead mom! i say pure joy filling my voice. ok sounds goof her name shall now be zoe :))))))))))). then we go to sleep the happy couple that we are.

when the new day starts im instanty filled with hope and happenness remeberaing our beloved zoe. as hubby wakes up i great him with complements. you are looking god mode today melatonine filled cottenball i say lovingey <333333333333  the baby bump is getting so big and i cant wait to meat zoe.

today is the day that we tell chloe the big news. we have flown her in from paris to stay the weekend. things have been better between us seince i havent had to see her annoying self every day. chicken colouring!!! guess what!!!!!!! i just realized that chloe and zoe ryme!!!!!!!! thats sooo cute <3333 yes musterd bird i reply grinning they sue do rymr! now it is time to tell chloe.

i greet her at the door. shes crying. really hard. like really really hard. daddy i want to stay here with you and daddy she wailes.  oh honey i would love for you but there is some news that me and your daddy have that will make that not possibke. i say. you see you dad he i s.. hes pregnant i exclaim and pastey spider walks towards me. you will soon have a little sister zoe. chloe tries to hide her excitement but i can tell that she is just about ready too burst.really she skweeks with excitement. thats so amazing. we al join a group hug and start hapy crying. im so happy for our family :)))))))))))))))

 im so happy for our family :)))))))))))))))

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end of chapter 4 <3

authors note: wow that was a roller coaster ride of emotions.

you guys!!!!!!!!!!!!! hes prego!!!!!!!!!!!! its so exciting :)))))))))

this fanfic has been so fun to write and i hope it was as fun for you to read

thanksss friendos :)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

(ps if you have watched season four of mirculous my theroy is that this is the ordions of zoe. it makes a lot of sense. comment if you afree!!!!!!!!!

Andre X Andre uwuWhere stories live. Discover now