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Jeongin had been sitting in math class for almost two hours now.
Nothing really made sense and whatever the teacher said sounded like gibberish so he never actually tried to understand or focus at all.

Instead he liked to doodle in his diary. Yeah, it was fun!

More than maths at least... He would constantly look in his pencil case for crayons of different colors, he liked to make it colorful for himself, since he'd never show it to anyone obviously.

It's HIS diary after all, he even has a little lock, the key hidden in the pocket of his school uniform, and his name written in capital letters on the front cover.

He loved that book. He loved it so much that he hadn't even noticed when his teacher slowly crept to his desk and snatched his precious diary from his hands.

He immediately froze.
Oh, of course, it had to happen.

Oh no... everyone's looking at me now, he thought as his cheeks and ears turned the color of overripe strawberries.
I'll just close my eyes, and it'll be over... he murmured to soothe himself.

But closing his eyes couldn't block out the loud voice of the old lady yelling at the top of her lungs. It was something about not paying attention and having bad grades.
Jeongin couldn't really focus on her because all he could think of were the gazes of his classmates on him, and the fact that she had his diary in her hands, unlocked.

"I'm sorry..." he managed to mumble although it was barely audible to the teacher, his eyes stuck on the desk, not capable of looking her in the eyes.

"Look at me when I'm talking to you." she said with a stern voice, Jeongin bit his lips shut and with a gulp, he raised his gaze, not exactly making eye contact but still trying to.

"You'll fail if this continues..." she paused, and in Jeongin's mind it felt like forever.

When is it going to be over? By now I'm sure everyone's noticed... They're probably laughing and-

"But I think you know that." she paused one last time before sighing "I'll take this for now." she said pointing at his diary.
His heart sank but he couldn't gather the courage to protest, if he had to give up his diary for this whole thing to be over now, he'll do it.

So he did with a shy nod, she then started to walk back to her own desk.

This sucks... he thought to himself but his heartbeat settled as he remembered his next class was french.

And that meant he could finally see him.


Although Jeongin was very shy, he had many
friends at school. Something about him made people want to befriend him. He always found that to be odd and constantly wondered why would anybody want to be friends with an awkward guy like him.

I wonder if he's here today...

Jeongin almost arrived but before he could even step foot inside the class, his friend Felix quickly caught up to him with arms wide open to embrace him in a tight hug.

"The weekend was too long I missed you!" his friend shouted.
"We texted the whole weekend though..."

Felix loved hugs, Jeongin not so much, so with a giggle he tried to pull away from his friend who didn't want to let go.

"Hurry up dummy, we'll be late!" Jeongin complained as his blond friend pouted, "I just wanted a hug >:("

As soon as they went through the door, Jeongin "subtly" looked around the room, as if searching for something... or someone.

He's here... he smiled to himself.

I mean I won't talk to him or anything, but it's good to see that he's here. He wasn't here last week, maybe he was sick?

Felix smiled, patting his friend's shoulder to gain his attention, "Y'know, maybe you should go talk to him instead of standing here, looking at him like a creep."

Jeongin frowned, no way in hell was he going to do that. There's no way someone like Hwang Hyunjin would want to have anything to do with him.

"I am not looking at anyone." he whispered, stressing on the "not" part of the sentence, earning a chuckle from a Felix who's not at all convinced by him, "Sure, buddy, sure." he teased.

With an eyeroll, Jeongin went to his assigned seat in a hurry. His seat was right next to Han Jisung's, a very loud boy, he was very funny and everyone seemed to appreciate him.

Jeongin liked Jisung because he knew how to make other people feel included and that was very important to him. He was someone he wanted to befriend.
Jisung was very nice, and he often offered his help to Jeongin, although he wasn't that good at speaking french either.

Besides, Jeongin likes anybody Hyunjin likes, although he'd never admit that.

Speaking of the devil, Jisung excitedly came through the door holding the hand of a tall, and very good looking boy, Lee Minho.

"Bonjour !" Jisung exclaimed in a terrible accent, and Minho smiled, embarrassed by his boyfriend's doings.

He must really like him, Jeongin thought to himself.

Minho let go of Jisung's hand to go sit next to Hyunjin, and Jeongin found himself wishing he was the one sitting next to him instead, but then again he would've spent the whole class looking at him.
A giddy Jisung made his way next to him and pulled him out of his thoughts by loudly dropping his backpack on the ground.

"Hey Jeongin! Did you do your homeworks?"

Jeongin's face went blank, he frowned and nervously asked "We had homeworks?!"


It's not until his classmate started hysterically laughing that Jeongin's face gained its colors back, he too started laughing, jokingly hitting Jisung's arm.

"I love doing that!" Jisung exclaimed as he settled down.

"You had me there for a second! Stupid." Jeongin chuckled as he reached for his backpack to get his notebook and his... his
He then remembered he wasn't in the possession of it anymore ; that old hag must be having fun reading all his secrets. He sighed.

"Jeongin, you should join us for lunch!"

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