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Halo POV

Everything was so dark and I can't lie and say I wasn't scared.

I wasn't necessarily scared of him but I was scared that if something did happen to me my mom and dad wouldn't be able to live with themselves and I know they would probably blame King.

"Haloooo, it looks like we meet again baby. Lord knows I miss your mother. I'm glad you got to meet your sister too bad she won't see you again" He said rubbing his hand across my cheeks.

I just rolled my eyes and tried to wiggle my hands out of the rope they were tied in.

"well just do it, skip the small talk" I shrugged looking directly at him.

"I plan on it baby right after we have our little fun" He chuckled.

"why?" I asked.

"For starters, my life was hell because yo little ass ain't die with her. Not only that I found out how much of a liar that bitch was. She played me twice and once I found out you were the only one I could take it out on. Until I get to who made it all happen" He said.

"What is you talking bout, I have nothing to do with shit you have to avenge. Aren't you tryna work on your relationship with Haven. You think this will help?" I asked getting mad.

"Yeah she might be mad but she'll be okay with her aunt, she'll understand eventually" he shrugged.

"Dee isn't her real family you think she's okay living with someone who is her mom and dad?" I asked

"Actually, that is her real family. Dee's my sister" He said flashing his evil smile.

"w-what, how no she's not?" I said stuttering even more confused than before.

"She is my big sister and although she hates my guts for what I did she loves that she gets to bond with her niece. She took her in because she could but you aren't her blood so she couldn't. Heather had three kids. You're actually not the first baby. She had a son and a daughter and I actually was in your mom's life for years before yall came along. She moved for a while when she was 17 and got pregnant and had me believing it was mine and it died but turns out it was another mfs kid. Then we found our way back and of course me just thinking the bitch had a miscarriage got back together and she got pregnant again with you and had me thinking I was having my first kid finally turns out the bitch cheated again and you were that niggas. I of course didn't find all this out til after she was pregnant a third time and he tried to look for her and she kept running and always wanted to hide and someone noticed her when she was hospitalized with Haven and told him and he knew of the first two pregnancies so he asked for a blood test and I found out Haven was mine and once I seen him and your mom begged for me not to tell him about you and that's what gave us the rocky relationship we have" he winked.


"yeah well I don't care. now shut up while I figure some shit out" He said walking over to me putting the tape over my mouth.

I continued to squirm and try to free my hands once he was out of dodge doing whatever else. I couldn't let this man take me from where we were because we wasn't far from everywhere I knew in East Harlem. I also couldn't allow this mf to come anywhere near me with that dick. I came too far to go back.

I searched for something sharp that could rip through the rope so I could free my hands.

I hopped the chair towards the table and grabbed the screws driver and began trying to cut the rope. This was harder than what I thought.

I heard the front door close and him walking back and forth upstairs.

Then I heard his phone ring and he was trying to whisper.

I knew I didn't have a lot of time and this was probably the only time I will get to possibly get out of here and I wanted a fair chance of a fight if I had to.

I finally got my wrists untied and quickly rubbed them noticing they were raw from trying to get them loose.

I heard Henry start to get louder on the phone so I didn't have much time to get me feet unchained.

"I had to do what I had to do. I don't want anymore loose ins big sis. There's nothing you can do" He screamed before I heard something fall over.

I finally broke out of the chains and quietly looked around for as many weapons that I could carry and exit. I ran to the back room which was a bathroom and noticed there was a window above the toilet.

Henry yelled once more and hung up before I heard things get quiet. I pried the window with the help of the screwdriver and I hoped up on the toilet and lifted it up. As I was putting my foot outside the window I was tossed back against the wall.

"You little bitch did you think you were gonna get away that easily, now I gotta show you" He said as he started unbuckling his pants. I kicked him against the sink and tried to get up. He pulled me against him and started to lick my face.

He did a sinister laugh while playing in my hair. "Henry, w-why are you doing this to me?" I asked feeling so disgusted. "Because of you and your mom I lost everything especially being involved in my baby girls life. But killing you is where I get it back." I closed my eyes and silently prayed for my mom to give me the strength or for someone to find me.

"I can't wait until I'm done with you." He dragged me by my hair onto a mattress next to the bathroom. "W-what are you doing. Henry please I'll do whatever you want please don't" I pleaded. He ripped my shirt off and began kissing me all over.

At this point I zoned out and tried fighting him off. He started taking off my pants and I looked above my head and saw the screwdriver I dropped in the bathroom.

He was in the motion of pulling my underwear down and I discreetly reached for the screwdriver and used all my forced and stabbed him wherever I could.

"HALLLOO! what theFUCK did you do? If I wasn't going to kill you before bitch you're dead" He winced in pain trying to get up staggering. I didn't even put my jeans back on I slid my underwear up and ran back to the bathroom and grabbed the cover on the back of the toilet and walked back to Henry and started beating him with it.

I don't know if I killed him. I didn't waste any time. I hit him as many times as I could and I jumped out the window and I ran. I ran until I couldn't. I was bloody, half naked, and I was terrified. All I wanted was my parents, my mom, hell anybody I could trust because as of now Deelisha, Haven and King were the last people I ever wanted to see again. They definitely sent Henry for me.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2023 ⏰

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