Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

**A/N-Well guys it's that time again, there is one more chapter after this one and then the epilogue and it will be another journey over....Gosh, I don't know how I feel about that, in a sense, I am proud but in another I am sad. But moving on, I have other stories lines up for you beautiful people. xoxo Dianna**


(What is left of Stavos' old family home---------->)

I materialized under the darkness of night to the first floor of my long forgotten and almost dilapidated family home. The ancient estate sat on several acres of secluded English countryside. The land was long neglected the surrounding area was now going back to the wooded area where it had originally come from. I looked around at the depressing state of the house that I grew up in.

There was extensive signs of decay, the peeling wallpaper, and all the broken furniture that were once beautiful antiques that my mother had once adored. My nose wrinkled at the smell of rot and mold of what used to be polished wood floors, everything had been exposed to the elements due to the missing roof and gaping holes in the upper floors. That was probably due to the squalls that frequently blew through this area.

My family's old manor was located on acres of secluded land high up on a cliffs of Cornwall's old English countryside. If I listened carefully and even without my vampire ability, I would be able to hear the waves of the ocean as they crashed against the rocks down below on the shoreline. But that is not what I was here for.

I tried my best to separate myself from my raging emotions. This house and this country was the last place I wanted to be. The last time I had set foot on this property, I found my entire family slaughtered like they were animals. Their remains were already turning to ash by the time I found them and their blood had coated almost every surface of this house. Their heads were mounted on poles in front of the house like a macabre warning to all who deemed to visit the home of the previous leader of the Council.

Coming back here and setting foot in this place again was like someone took a red hot iron poker and shoved it deep into a barely heeling gaping wound. But I had to come here again, I have to face this. With every fiber of my being, the need to destroy the ancients of the council so bad it made my dick hard. But in order to do that, I needed to find and get some answers from my missing cousin first. I knew Nikolai was here, and we needed to find him and be gone before those fuckers caught wind that I was even in the country. Nik was always a clever one, and of all the places he chose to go to ground, it would the one place he knew the council's minions wouldn't think to look or dare to come back to after what happened here over two hundred years ago.

The local vampires were all aware that I had cursed this land and any paranormal other than a blood relative and their protected mates setting foot on this property would die a painful and merciless death. A life for a life, that was the way I saw it when I cursed every inch of dirt, every leaf, even the atmosphere surrounding the area. And at first all the curious and adventurous vamps who had the nerve to come here met with the consequences of their actions, and once word spread no one not even the village humans dared to even look up the cliffs at the remains of Baranov Manor.

Shaking the tormenting memories away, I refocused on what we came here to do. I spread my arms away from by body and opened my senses as I hovered above the decaying floor. I immediately located my mates, they were out by where the old barn used to be with Irina. Gustav and Dimitri with Caleb almost literally chained to his side, they were out closer to the cliffs where there were a series of underground cellars. They were all searching for Nikolai's resting place. At first I didn't want to believe that my only remaining blood relative would go to the extremes of going to ground. In this modern day and time, a vampire would have to be on the brink of death in order to return to the soil of their ancestors for it's heeling properties. So for Nikolai to go to ground, it left me wondering as to what condition I was going to find him in?

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