Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Stavos POV…

(Sexy Stavos------->)

 Two weeks, it’s been two weeks of enduring the sinful torture of those two hellions. They were like the proverbial bad penny that kept popping up everywhere I turned; everywhere I looked they were there. Now, sitting at the breakfast table I was silently watching them as they bustled around the kitchen helping Irina make breakfast. Every chance they got they had made it a point to brush against me, to touch me in passing, sending spine tingling sensations cascading over my over sensitized nerve endings. I had to go all the way to the other side of the kitchen and sit at the table with Caleb and Dimitri. They were so engrossed in their morning after bliss that they didn’t even register the fact that I was sitting here. I mentally rolled my eyes and groaned as the twins scent overpowered the smell of frying eggs and bacon. It clawed at me tempting my beast to unleash itself.

 I groaned as Ayden waltzed over to set the table, his sweet little body brushed against my arm and I tensed, feeling the desire to top him roll over me like a tsunami. He continued around the back of my chair and as he leaned down to place cutlery in the table and my eyes scanned the creamy expanse of his neck that was bared to me by the off the shoulder shirt he was wearing. He turned his head to look at me and our eyes locked and he released a delicious little whimper before licking those lush pink lips of his. I just wanted to nibble on them. I unconsciously leaned forward but suddenly I was snapped out of the sexual daze clouding my brain by Gustav setting a plate of steaming food in front of me. I shook my head as if to clear it and covertly watched as Ayden walked away back to the kitchen counter for more utensils.

 I dug into my food, the quicker I eat, was the quicker I can get the hell out of here. I was silently berating myself, I had tried everything in the last couple of nights to slake this hunger in me, I had several scenes with both male and female subs, I have beaten whipped and caused enough pain to send myself into top space for the near foreseeable future, but I hadn’t even touched the fringes of it. I needed to fly and I couldn’t seem to achieve not matter what I did. The closest I have come was the sad attempt to frighten the heathens when I cornered them in the pool the other day. The only thing that it achieved was I now had the knowledge of what their sweet bodies felt like pressed along the length of mine, what their breath tasted like. It only amped my animal up even more, and damn it; I wanted them.

 Everyone sat down and began to eat, Ahron held out Ayden’s chair for him and made sure he was comfortable and had everything he wanted. I silently watched and if Ayden would have allowed him to, Ahron would have fed him too. It touched me the way they reacted and cared for one another. They loved each other beyond what words could ever describe; they made me feel things that I had longed thought had died right along with the rest of my family ages ago. It went farther than desiring them, the more I was around them the more I seemed to need them and that is what scared the living shit out of me. I needed and loved the ground my family walked on, but they were still brutally and savagely ripped from me never to return. If it hadn’t been for Dimitri I would have driven a dagger through my own heart ending my misery for all eternity.

 Ayden giggled and Ahron wiped something from the side of his mouth before pecking him on cheek. I couldn’t take it anymore, my dick was so hard I felt like it was going to fall off, it usually took the sight of a few welts and some blood to achieve this level of lust but for them all it only took was an innocent peck on the cheek. I so needed to get the fuck out of here. I stood, the chair scraping across the tile was unusually loud as I excused myself and walked right out the back door. I was almost to the safety of the security office when I felt two small hands lock around my bicep pulling me to a stop. I turned ready to curse the skin off someone’s face when I looked into a set of adorable sky blue eyes simmering up at me with the most innocent openness I have ever encountered, and I snapped my jaws shut and swallowed the foul words that had bubbled up my throat. I closed my eyes and gathered all the will power I could muster. Ayden stood there, his touch burning my flesh sending shivers of heat straight to my turgid cock, causing it to throb and pulse, pumping out precum like a spigot.

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